
Regardless the reason for their split, Hemsworth has obviously prepared for war. Laura Wasser’s client list includes Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Reynolds, and Gwen Stefani. These celebrities, I might add, were fixtures in many of Hollywood’s most contentious divorces. It makes sense for

It seems some people are upset essentially that my posts aren’t Left-Wing enough and don’t present their preferred parties in the manicured light they’d like, so I thought I’d try something a little different, a bit more avant garde if you will, and tell me what you think.

Oh thank you!! I didn’t know this and have been using hyphens in place. Although I think we’d all be happier if we just had one horizontal floating line option. But since we don’t, I’d prefer to use them correctly.

I know people like him, but I’ve always found Harrison Ford to be just terrible. And he keeps giving us reasons to bolster this perception. His whole “asshole” personality I do not find refreshing - or whatever the hell people like about it - in the least.

Vlad the Impeeler.

You can highly doubt it all you want but there is almost no manufacturing in the US and there’s no money for re-developing a manufacturing base. The raw materials situation is also dicey as nearly everything is sourced more cheaply from out of country. They might stay here, but they’re gonna start charging a

“This whole thing was a takedown attempt at the president of the United States”

I fucking LOVE Jenny’s analysis.

Jenny Trout is hilarious and a gem.

Jenny Trout is currently sporking this (as she did with 50 Shades). It has been pointed out that the story is a ripoff of Poldark.

Great review of a POS novel that never should have been published! You’re spot on that dramatic irony is an incredibly important component of a good romance. The very best in the biz (Lisa Kleypas, Mary Balogh, my queen Sarah MacLean) write their characters as convincingly entrenched in their own perspective while at

Jenny Trout is reviewing this on her Jealous Haters Book Club. One of the commenters pointed out how close the plotline is to Poldark and wondered if this was another AU fanfiction.

Yes, the codeword is “suikerziekte”.  *stare*

At one time, in the 90's, this was CNN.  

I’ve already been banned once so what the fuck? I’m so sick of the “OMG Let’s SLAM ALL WOMEN ALWAYS for not being exactly what we mean, but I’m trying to be SO progressive and this white woman that’s trying to help, LOL right? But like don’t get mad at us okay?” Bullshit. Try to bring light to a situation? Oh well,

At a casino near you, I think you mean.

That’s my good friend Marianne Willman. We didn’t write together, but had novellas in the same anthologies. Btw, I have no plans to stop writing the In Death series. 

So if I slow cook country ribs - or other pork cuts to death, shred, add seasoning and fat and refrigerate for three days... You know, I think I’ve been doing this.

Breath of the Wild is so goddamn good. I’m somehow still missing like six Shrines despite having played for something like 100 hours, and probably because I can’t bring myself to commit to a specific goal when I play it. My entire BotW experience can be summed up with “Hey what’s over there?”