

Just as an FYI, I’ve known Billy for almost twenty years, directed him three times now, and have always been impressed with what a completely kind soul he is. Really, one of the good guys.

It is petty. From his Facebook: “I was trying to do a killer standup special this evening but I might’ve gone too far. After the first show, I felt kinda nauseous. I threw up a little but it didn’t seem to help. Then I started sweating buckets and my chest felt heavy. Turns out I had a massive heart attack. The Doctor

So my 12-year-old decided to go vegan for Lent, I did my best to see if he would maybe consider just lacto-ovo vegetarian because I have some concerns about 12 year old boys getting enough protein in their diet. We went back and forth, and he wouldn’t budge: “I should choose something that will be challenging.”

Hey, so this is how my parents because American citizens back in the late 1960's, when they emigrated to Puerto Rico and eventually Georgia (where I was born) from Trinidad.

I flew United on 24hrs flights 4x in the last 6 months. They were better than other flights I’ve been on. They upgraded their planes which is nice. I think you’ll enjoy. It’s not the best, but it’s pretty good.

Pay attention, this is why it’s important to keep a 33-year-old man around—for the trivia!


As a Dutch person, this is bull. “Doe gewoon normaal” does not mean don’t be lazy, it’s about behaviour. And it mostly refers to not being a dickhead. In terms of productivity it can be and is applied to lazy folk and workaholics in equal measure.

Looks like the makings of a robot war! One set of robots is down there monitoring the ships, permitting video visits to the site by next-of-kin, and hanging wreaths on Armistice Day. The other side sneaks in and disables them under the guise of, I don’t know, an undersea landslide or earthquake or an attacking kraken.

Yeah - the HS tram lines seem to be permanently under construction. I know they’re bloody efficient everywhere else though.

Have to admit, I felt kinda proud to be Dutch here.

I’d agree with you if Unplugged Layla hadn’t been played at least once an hour on every Classic Rock, Adult Contemporary, and Top40 radio station for ten years straight. But it was, and now I’d rather listen to Plugged Dentist Drill than Unplugged Layla.

Flu shot truths: (not trutherings) 

Pulmonologist and ICU physician here - There are numerous strains of the flu virus circulating all over the world. Each year, the vaccine is made based on an educated guess of which strains are likely to be most prevalent in the coming flu season (i.e. by looking at what strains are circulating in the southern

Acoustic Everlong is an abomination. The song is about building to a climax, and that climax never arrives acoustically. Maybe it’s because I played percussion in band back in high school, but for me I prefer the rhythm and bass of a song, and it feels naked and empty without such. That’s also why I still put subs

Early Days! Snap Judgment! LOLVogue! Miss Demeanors! Moe, SM, & Dodai!

I still like Jezebel but I really miss the way it was back in the day. Pot psychology was my favorite! Over time this site just started taking itself way too seriously. It used to be more fun

All real Jezzies remember the atrocity that was calling cheesecake a PIE when CAKE IS RIGHT THERE IN THE NAME. Koa, I am completely on board with your new editorship if you can assure me that you agree that a cheesecake is a goddamned cake. ;)