
This isn’t technically a blackout story, but here goes. Was in Jamaica in 1998 (this is important later) with a girlfriend staying at one of those “all inclusive” places-all you can eat food AND drink. Anyway, we were laying on the lounges pretty close to the water all morning and into the afternoon, drinking the rum

Okay, I got three years here before Supernova becomes a barren, unlovable, wasteland of a human being according to the science man. Lets put this shit in fourth gear and slam my standards into the ground so I don’t have to deal with looks at Thanksgiving.

I will admit, I ended up buying it and I loved every single word of it. It was suprisingly well written and focuses on her time at the mansion and immediately after. It details her faling out with Kendra, the escort recruitment business one of the earlier girlfriends was running and the behind the scenes of GND. She

Awwwwww...freak out! Les scoops, c’est oops! Freak out!

It’s her name! The former Maxima Zorreguieta, born in Argentina. She is FABULOUS at all times, especially since she became queen.

I remember that captcha.

SYNTH people! SYNTH people! Look like SYNTH, talk like PEOPLE

Peacefully at rest for 500 years, and what’s the first thing that happens when they dig you up? Butt stuff.

That sounds like an excellent time to read memoirs. I’ll have to remember that if I ever have a reason to fly somewhere.

Today I bought shorts for the first time since 8th grade. This would not be a big deal to some people, but for this forever pale and chubby girl it was a huge step towards accepting myself. I’ve been working hard to take care of myself and I’m feeling healthier and more confident than I have in awhile. Team shorts! (I

I’ll just leave this here

So many of the comments on this story are just making me sad. People are so open to trying new foods, but so unwilling to be compassionate.

Wait so are Bonet and Kravitz back together? I only want this so that momoa can be single. Please, tiny baby jesus let Jason momoa be single and have a thing for married women with kids and big asses (we actually already know he’s down for 2 of the 3)

Is there maybe an episode where Dougall just runs around naked? I would like to watch that episode.

So Nick also lost his virginity to “The Final Countdown?” Solidarity Nick! If I knew him we would high five.

I’m sad that you felt you had to tell us what you were wearing. :(

This is just you, I think. On behalf of the weeded up folks I think this looks fucking amazing and I sadly doubt one will come anywhere near me. But I've personally made similar things by toasting 2 eggos, smearing both with nutella, and then filling it with chunky monkey and half baked ice cream, so I can make this

Totally off topic but can we talk about how attractive Andre Benjamin (3000) is?!

Nail polish IS modified car paint. It's self-leveling, waterproof, and loaded with chemicals. Newer formulations take out the grosser ingredients, but it's still car paint.

That might have been rhetorical but I'm going to tell you anyways...