
Over the last week or so, a list of “sponsored” related topics links shows up at the bottom of all the posts. It’s unblockable and getting irritating enough than I’m about to quit visiting any of these sites. I may be grey, but I’ve been on almost all of the fka Gawker sites for well over a decade, and we’re hitting

In The Netherlands the cheese is the same as in the US, so probably?

I pre-ordered the digital version last night in preparation for Friday. It’s all downloaded and ready to go. Since I’m WFH for the foreseeable future and off on Fridays, it’s the perfect time to start making my island mine.

The great “cake vs pie” Jezebel bracket many years back was won by cheesecake. It’s still a contentious issue/bit of a joke for those who remember.

It’s probably his call - he’s a Buddhist and part of a community based in Japan. (My husband is a non-active member of the same organization.)

I got to see Book of Mormon last fall and it was absolutely hysterical and well-written. Half the songs have been stuck in my head for months now. It’s definitely worth seeing, or at least getting the cast recording for.

This is awesome. Also, good choice - the older bags are damn near indestructible.

Have you been to the “new” (like 10 years old now) Indy airport? No tram, two wings of terminals, and it’s fairly efficient. It’s boring AF once you’re past security, but it’s clean.

I have a Kobo (it’s actually my third one over the last decade, because I have both dropped one and decided to upgrade one over the years) and I love it. They fully support epub from any source and they’re quick.

They refuse to accept that no matter how many times you point it out. I had a similar argument with one about the Federalist Papers surrounding the second amendment. Facts are fluid in a depressingly high percentage of the population’s minds.

It’s basically Chik-a-Stix on ice cream, which I could get fully behind if I could find the damn things anymore. Mmmmm....

Mine does, and it’s the same—tablet too, apparently. That's really weird.

Hold down the hyphen key on most phones.

She does have a new book that came out this week. She’s been self-publishing, so I try to throw as many dollars her way as I can.

Not to mention the Great Cheesecake Cop-out...I think this way is actually trickier.

Check the box soup mixes - at least a couple of them have vegetarian broth.

I prefer KLM, but my home airport is Schiphol. The service is almost always excellent and the planes are comfortable enough. 

I’ve never, on any airline, had an experience at or through Newark that was on time. Once I thought I had escaped the curse, but the flight turned around a few hours in and went back to Newark to try again the next day...another time I missed my connecting flight (3-hour layover) because customs and immigration were

After a lot of experience, my sister and I call this “book smart, life dumb”. It applies in SO many situations.

I got my dad reading them, and now he’s more current on the series than I am!