
When I was nine we got an Atari, a system so old my Swype didn’t recognize the word.

Mine are plum. I figure that puts them into the “cute” category. And as someone who regularly bikes as part of my commute, I’ll pick warm feet over “actually cute” any day.

Me too! Also, I’m avoiding going into the center until after Tuesday. (In Den Haag/Delft here.) Don’t want to ruin my happy glow with tooth-clenching and loud “still?!?” proclamations.

I’ve tried pretty much every fancy brand of mascara and keep going back to Maybelline’s Full n Soft. At the very beginning of a tube it’s almost too light, but after a week or so I get ridiculously awesome, non-spidery lashes out of it.

Becca luminizing primer. I can see (and feel) a huge difference when I haven’t used it. Also, Maybelline Full n Soft waterproof mascara. It’s not sold in NL, so my mom mails it to me every so often, between family/friend trips.

I still have a Wii just for GameCube games. They can be found out cheap these days if you want to give it a go. (I also still have my copy of ED and may have to play again soon because of this article.)

I have everything Cruisie has written! She’s truly delightful. I think you’ll enjoy Molly Harper- I’ve been recommending them left and right for a few years now. The heroine is a sarcastic librarian who’s fired in the first few pages and it’s all up/downhill from there.

I second this. Bet Me is also brilliant and really funny. I also like the “Good girls don’t...” series by Molly Harper for sarcasm and wit and ridiculous situations (though they’re vampire novels, there’s romance and they’re hilarious).

It’s cheesecake all over again...

I was staying with a friend in London and couldn’t go at her apartment (stupid stomach). It finally decided to cooperate at the Tower, of all places.

I’m from coastal VA—when possible, I’d always take a (short, close to home) walk during the eye of a hurricane because it’s so eerie and still, and the light is bizarre and gorgeous. Cabin fever may have also been involved.

Oh, yes. I graduated high school in 1991, and between the threat of nukes (I was/am also an army brat, usually in the “comfortable” zones of “if the US is nuked, we’re one of the first strategic targets, so here are some practice drills”), and the AIDS crisis that meant we were all super paranoid about condoms, we all

Yep. Not even for favorite band, who I will never see otherwise, will I deal with the crowds and probable camping of a festival.

I’m still rooting for “rage stroke”. It used to be “SNL-induced rage stroke”, but now I’m hoping for “single-digit approval ratings-induced Twitter meltdown rage stroke”.

My whole family (from my Mom’s side) has “non-Parkinson’s benign tremor” and it’s scary to watch what’s happening with relatives when they get older. I’ve always hated the “are you nervous? Don’t be nervous” questions, but at least (for now) I’m mostly functional.

I have naturally dark reddish-brown hair and went for ombre (professionally done, because I would destroy it if I tried it on my own). It worked well - the ends are only 2-3 shades lighter, just enough to make for a semi-dramatic change to the lighter parts (bold red-copper, definitely not a shade found in nature),

He was adorable on Top Gear. That’s all I really know him from, but yep.

I took one look at that thing and fast-traveled to buy shock arrows instead. 

Fresh pineapple gives me tongue blisters and I’ve recently (at 43!) developed a walnut allergy, though the warning signs were there for the last couple of years. Tingly mouth is just the first step in losing your favorite foods :(

 I have an art history degree and fell into being senior production editor for an educational non-profit (after a whole lot of related work). Most humanities degrees give you a skill set for a huge number of jobs that are only tangentially related to what you studied, but there are some really cool ones out there.