I second this. Bet Me is also brilliant and really funny. I also like the “Good girls don’t...” series by Molly Harper for sarcasm and wit and ridiculous situations (though they’re vampire novels, there’s romance and they’re hilarious).
I second this. Bet Me is also brilliant and really funny. I also like the “Good girls don’t...” series by Molly Harper for sarcasm and wit and ridiculous situations (though they’re vampire novels, there’s romance and they’re hilarious).
It’s cheesecake all over again...
I was staying with a friend in London and couldn’t go at her apartment (stupid stomach). It finally decided to cooperate at the Tower, of all places.
I’m from coastal VA—when possible, I’d always take a (short, close to home) walk during the eye of a hurricane because it’s so eerie and still, and the light is bizarre and gorgeous. Cabin fever may have also been involved.
Yep. Not even for favorite band, who I will never see otherwise, will I deal with the crowds and probable camping of a festival.
My whole family (from my Mom’s side) has “non-Parkinson’s benign tremor” and it’s scary to watch what’s happening with relatives when they get older. I’ve always hated the “are you nervous? Don’t be nervous” questions, but at least (for now) I’m mostly functional.
I have naturally dark reddish-brown hair and went for ombre (professionally done, because I would destroy it if I tried it on my own). It worked well - the ends are only 2-3 shades lighter, just enough to make for a semi-dramatic change to the lighter parts (bold red-copper, definitely not a shade found in nature),…
He was adorable on Top Gear. That’s all I really know him from, but yep.
I took one look at that thing and fast-traveled to buy shock arrows instead.
Fresh pineapple gives me tongue blisters and I’ve recently (at 43!) developed a walnut allergy, though the warning signs were there for the last couple of years. Tingly mouth is just the first step in losing your favorite foods :(
I have an art history degree and fell into being senior production editor for an educational non-profit (after a whole lot of related work). Most humanities degrees give you a skill set for a huge number of jobs that are only tangentially related to what you studied, but there are some really cool ones out there.
I’m very enthusiastically seconding this. I was using Chanel’s Inimitable mascara and was happy with it, and then I tried Full n Soft. I would say I haven’t gone back, but I actually did and very enthusiastically prefer the Full n Soft. (Ironically, it’s not available in NL, so I have to import it. Yay?) I have a…
I’m one of the ones who’s left for a far-flung place, and since I’m bad at emails and phone calls, it’s really the only place I keep in touch with a lot of people who’ve been important to me at various stages on my life. I’m also an army brat. So yeah... It’s invaluable to me.
I keep coming back to Maybelline’s Full n Soft, and I’ve tried pretty much everything Sephora has to offer. That $6 mascara really performs.
I moved to another continent and have to import it, but I damn well ALWAYS have a can of Old Bay around. And a backup.
I only know him from his Top Gear appearance and he was cute and funny. So yeah.
That’s my favorite joke EVER (sorry. Slow day at work, so I’m going through old dirt bags). EVER EVER.
It was. And I was on the rail at the left side, right where Johnny spent the entire freaking show looking down my shirt. I saw them there at least twice.
I was very probably at that Ramones show :D I missed the Boathouse horribly after it was gone.
Peppermint Beach Club, because I saw Bad Religion there and it was awesome. Otherwise I avoided VB like the plague and stuck with Norfolk (King’s Head! The 90s were glorious).
I’m from Poquoson, kinda, but spent 15 years all over Hampton Roads.