
I used Heath Ledger’s death as a similar milestone for myself- I know o was on here for quite a while before that, but it somehow became the first big thing. Probably because it’s where I found out.

I unashamedly love that book. It lives in my bathroom now-you can open it anywhere and read something depressing/trashy/weirdly relatable in an alternative world sort of way.

Wide, and tape two! I had to watch my disasters in FULL PANORAMA.

Also, in the “lessons not quite learned” category, that same dresser was ours growing up. And then I took it when I moved out.

My grandparents had a picture of my mom with her dresser tipped over on her. Apparently in the 50s, you just laughed and took a picture, not bothering to lift it off of you child until afterwards.

Duran Duran is totally worth actual ticket price. I dragged my non-fan husband to see them last time they were here and he loved the whole show. And he’s still not a fan.

I have a Vuitton bag that was designed in the 20s and they haven’t changed it, so it’s very possible. (Mine is from the late 80s, and it’s still going strong.)

I thought they were good, but kind of burned out on them after a binge read. I still haven’t finished them all. (I think I’m in book 5?) They’re pretty thick, which contributes to the book fatigue.

I have five. In various sizes and colors. After I learned that they’re pretty much waterproof, I went a little overboard (also, always the long straps. Never short.) They’re perfect for my half-bike, half tram commute and they hold everything.

I got more museum jobs with my art history BA than I did with my art history MA. But those degrees did get me into my current (unrelated) job in an educational non-profit, which I love.

My cat had definite different names for me and my ex. It took a while to catch on to it, but he’d make a noise and look around until he found that person, and a different yelling chirp for the other.

I did that too! I graded standardized tests a couple of times off and on. I have one job now, and while it’s not in arh, it’s for an educational non-profit, so I still get to work on cool things.

To be fair, the third job was for a catering company as needed, so maybe two or three times a month.

I’m an Art History major (Bachelors AND Masters, thank you) who works as an editor (professionally. Internet posts don’t count). I did have a museum job for a while. It was one of three jobs I was working at the time. So not lucrative.

Um. There are calendula petals in my toner. It makes them really slimy. I assume the snot wads started out attached to a flower of some sort. (It’s good stuff. I just pick out the petals when they ooze themselves out of the bottle. Kiehl’s. Works nicely.)

My in-laws have candles on their tree (and a bucket full of water nearby). We have the candles and clips, but I’m too paranoid to actually use them.

You just summed my feelings and experiences with this perfectly. Thank you.

I figure it’s a “make lemonade out of artisanal lemons” situation.

Or you could be a professional editor who, while able to use casual language in said texts, has to punctuate in order to be able to live with yourself.

Which is Sinterklaas (St. Nicholas)! The name still works. :D