
Someone (maybe Jez?) posted a high school picture of her around the same time this came up, and she honestly just looks like the HS girl hit her mid-40s.

There were two sitting there for a long time. We did the "Behind the scenes" tour a couple of years ago and the guide mentioned they had been for sale.

There's already a fancy limited edition Zelda Wii U and I have it and its awesome! No excuses. Go get one (if you can find it now...)

ok. So my takeaway from Kurt Cameron's speech is "your kids = your joy". So what he's saying is "don't let anyone steal your kids at Christmas." Perfectly logical.

It'd have to be oil - it's too bold to be an era watercolor, and acrylics weren't invented until (I believe) the 1950s.

Same here. I only fly intercontinentally once or twice a year, but that extra is worth it, not only for the tiny bit of extra legroom (especially when they're announcing upgrades to business class at the gate for "only" 4000 euros) but also because fewer people are willing to pay the extra, and about 40% of the time I

Go for Leiden if you can- it's better located 😊

I met and married a Dutch guy. Even with our relationship (pre-marriage) the whole immigration process was frustrating and hellish. I think the process is/was set up to make you frustrated enough to give up and go home. (I mostly love it here now! Though there are still some things here that are problematic.)

I moved from coastal VA to The Netherlands about 10 years ago and I can confidently say that, even in a 42% tax bracket I am far FAR ahead of where I was financially in the US. Even with student loans (I'll be paying those for the next 50 years). The biggest factor is the health care system- I pay about 120 euros a

I almost got an Aura, but went with the Kobo Glo last year since I didn't need all the bells and whistles of the Aura. I'm really, really happy with the Glo, which is my second Kobo (I dropped the first one one too many times).

I feel the same about Taylor Swift. We're ok.

Argh! Phone keyboard issues abound! Anyway, if you have money and/or connections, it's not that uncommon. I can guarantee (as a former museum professional) that they didn't close the museum.

You can arrange an after hours tour of you have money and/or connections.

Divine Evil! I have it. It's upstairs on one of the like 12 Nora Roberts shelves (seriously. She writes a lot, and since I've been reading her stuff since I was 14, and am now 41, that's a lot of books).

It is so, so cool to see that so many of these are from Langley - I used to pass two of the wind tunnels every day, and you knew when you heard them running that something really amazing was happening inside.

My brother gave his away on facebook, but time zones worked against me and they were gone before I woke up :(
(actually, I'm in Europe and he's US, so they probably wouldn't have worked anyway.)

I can't WAIT to see next week's tabloids. This is going to be glorious.

Mmmmm. I still love me some Roger.

I love Jennifer Aniston's scent. It's one of maybe two (out of way too many) that I have where every time I wear it, I get compliments. It's beachy and clean and lovely.

I've been reading/commenting for many years now and just don't comment/participate enough (though I do read everything) to have come out of the greys. I actually quit coming to the site for a while because it was depressing.