
I'm a (mostly) vegetarian and read these for the same reason. Even if I'll likely never make most of the dishes, they're pure glorious poetry.

I'm going through similar with one of my gmail accounts - I set it up to forward to my main account, so I haven't signed into it directly in like 8+ years. I'm getting notices that someone in various countries keeps trying to access it with my password, so I'd like to just close it and have it done, but their password

It won't help you, but for other people's reference:

Books here are ridiculously expensive, too, and I've had a lot of happy price luck with Kobo for e-books or for physical ones. English books on Amazon are pretty consistently sold at about half the price they are here in NL.

To my knowledge, it doesn't play here in NL at all. I know several people who have pirated it after reading articles or hearing about it, simply because there's no other way to get it.


They were my absolute favorite! The patty side was seasoned and the tomato and lettuce didn't get all squishy and they were perfect!

My sister worked in an emergency room for years, and was astounded by the number of women who could not believe that their child was pregnant/had an STD/etc. because they wouldn't accept that their child was not only having sex, but was also lying about it.

It's hard to explain. In my own personal opinion, Miley's act seems a bit too try-hard, "look at me! I'm grown up and know what sex is!" while Beyonce has been doing this kind of thing (dress, dance, message) for long enough that it comes across as authentically her, or at least an authentic part of her act/public

Kinja wouldn't let me edit! I'd like to add that, while the personal decision was fairly flippant, the move was not made without doing a LOT of research and included retaining a good immigration lawyer locally (out of Rotterdam).

I left the US in 2005 to be with my Dutch now-husband and it was a huge undertaking that I had approached fairly flippantly. I had been an army brat, was in my early 30s, had a decently-established career (before going back to grad school) and was fairly confident in my abilities and flexibility.

He actually would have - the reason there are so many portraits of society women floating around was because he would make/have his studio produce portraits for anyone who would pay him. The going rate (if I remember correctly from classes many years ago) ranged between 100-250k.

I did too. And am glad I wasn't the only one.

I kind of love it. It's gorgeous in an overdone WTF sort of way.

I think it had to do with the audition posts, as well - I didn't post enough for a star/preferred commenting after those were implemented (the Oppression Olympics started and turned me off for a while), but having to audition with something meaningful that contributed to the conversation really kept commenting under

I spend 40-50 hours a week in front of a computer for work, and I'm sure most of you do too. The last thing I want to do is spend my leisure hours there as well.

Mine was Newark to Amsterdam right near the end of March, on a United 787.

Yes! I live in leggings, t-shirt dresses, and some kind of zipped hoodie or poncho on top. Or a cardigan, but only if I'm wearing a bra. Which is almost always a "I should wear a bra because I'm expecting a package" bra, which was a super comfy cotton one until the wires broke and I had the genius idea to take them

AARGH! Can't edit!

Was this in March? Because I had the same thing happen to me, spent the night in Newark, and missed a day's work by arriving back on Monday instead of Sunday.