
You're not alone! I broke up with the second best guy I ever dated (first best is my husband, of course) because it was just too big. In any position. Kinda sucks - he was really awesome and actually a nice guy (without being a Nice Guy), but when I found myself cringing away and making excuses not to have sex, I knew

The way the comments/annotations are lining up in my browser is brilliant - one scooches out of the left column and into the image in the right column, just a little lower.

I "have" a wood pigeon that hangs out in my garden, and he's pretty damn clever. So I looked them up and apparently they have the cognitive abilities of a 3 year old.

I have a couple of bookmarked sites for getting them.

You can create a pattern or (once you have the reader at Able Sisters) you can upload a QR code. And of course there's a tumblr for it:

Also, some of us are old enough to remember his parents standing there in the same doorway holding him. It's a nice continuation, and also a nice way to see how much things have changed since. They're just so...human and relateable in that moment. In ways his parents weren't, probably because of protocol.

Harry is officially named Henry, so I think you're safe. :)

Nobody came to celebrate my new Town Hall. Just me and Isabelle, which made the "everybody"s really sad. I think I even took a picture.

Last year, we went to visit friends back where I'm from and I got to ride my absolute favorite coaster ever (Apollo's Chariot, Busch Gardens, aka the one that goosed Fabio's nose) and I kind of...really didn't like it? It was officially the end of an era - I went from running to the end of the line over and over to

We're from the same area - I was behind him in the mall once, objectifying like I had never objectified before. Just doing my part for womankind!

He's also the great- (a couple of times removed) grandson of Charles Dickens.

I...might be able to help? I was 7 when she and Charles got married. My grandmother made me get the haircut right around their wedding.

When I was a kid growing up on a series of Army posts, my mom lied to us and told my sister and I that you weren't allowed to take kids into the commissary (grocery store) until they were 10. So when she got "special permission" for us to go with her, we spent entire grocery trips on our best behavior so we would be

My cousin-in-law is special forces and went in tattooed. They did have some issues with the ones on his hands, but otherwise, as long as they're covered by the uniform it seems to be ok.

Me, too!!! Now that I know about it, I really need to see it, as well.

I was vaguely disappointed when I moved here and Quarter Pounders were called simply "Quarter Pounders."

I'll second this - I spend about an hour on the island each evening after work and pull in about 300k bells a day. It's all in knowing what to hold on to - don't waste precious slots on anything worth less than 3k.

It's not worth the shipping :( But my mother's coming to visit next month, and she has a list of (largely food related) stuff to bring. Now that I've been reminded, they are totally going on that list.

Those are awesome! So awesome I sacrificed some of my precious weight limit (damn airlines) and brought some home and didn't care that they got (mildly) crushed because then I wouldn't be able to count how many of those delicious little cookies made it into my mouth in one sitting.

I have 23 meters of bookshelves (1m wide), all full of mostly sci-fi and fantasy, so I figure my trusty little reader is saving ridiculous space. It's also letting me read digital versions of well-loved, falling-apart and out of print books instead of trusting they'll hold together just a few more years (they're still