
No no no! We're already getting more winter than Dutch rail is capable of dealing with.

I made my boss start reading the recaps. I can tell when she's on the page because she announces there's a new one and then I hear quiet (and sometimes not-so-quiet) snickering from her office.

As a response to "50 Shades" (her weekly recaps are on book 3 now, and they are awesome) and to horrible depictions of BDSM done completely wrong, Abigail Barnette (Jenny Trout) is writing and self-publishing "The Boss" and posting chapters on the 15th and 30th of each month here:

Mine was John Taylor. (not so much 10-13, but rather 10-39 year old me thinks he's dreamy.) Later, Duff McKagan joined the wall party.

You should go visit (if you get the chance) some of the Catholic churches/cathedrals in Northern Europe! This one was particularly amazing: (the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp).

If you look at older churches/cathedrals across Europe (and most of art history), they were built for a largely illiterate population, as well. Most religious paintings were commissioned to tell stories from the Bible, as most of the population couldn't read.

I can't believe someone else remembers Tutankham! That was my favorite, along with Pitfall 2 and River Raid. It was guaranteed that I would be back in my parents' bedroom playing one of those 3 games (on their 12" BW tv, no less) whenever possible.

I had them almost daily when I was a kid - I was always advised to lean forward and press my thumb behind the ridge in the roof of my mouth, adding firm pressure. It actually works, though I have no idea why.

I had a friend who was the same way about pickles (like, at Denny's.) She had to sit at the other end of the booth if anyone had so much as a pickle slice on their food. It was weird - she was pretty fearless and kind of scary in every other way.

Good luck! Maybe you could have something in each country at some point - we're still randomly discussing "eloping" to Vegas someday, but not having my marriage recognized by the US comes in handy at tax time.

I'm nearly 40 and solely a console gamer for exactly that reason. My budget's gotten bigger, but instead of "can I afford it?" my response is now "will I really play it?"

I'm hyphenated in The Netherlands, and straight maiden name only in the US, because the US won't recognize a foreign civil union and wouldn't let me change my name because of it.

My roommate had a pit bull and my cat had him under her little kitty thumb. The dog was even super afraid of (at first) and then protective of the kitten our other roommate brought in.

It's not completely 100% yet, so I'm keeping traffic down for the moment. Until we have eggs :D

We have a single blue tit (pimpelmees) who spends the night in it, and a pair of them who check out the house during the day. Last year we had a nest with 8 baby birds and got lucky enough with the timing to watch them all fly out for the first time. Which led to the idea of the camera - my husband spent a couple of

My husband made one and put an IR webcam into it using his Raspberry Pi. In the last couple of weeks I've gone from "oh, birds, how cute" to "OMG FLUFFY IS IN HIS HOUSE!"

I use it to be able to SMS my mom and sister in the US - I'm not paying international SMS fees if I can help it. Especially with pictures. It's EVERYWHERE here.

It'll move 3 days earlier, to Willem-Alexander's birthday, and become King's Day.

I'm pretty sure the reforms were put into place just to be able to point and say something had been done. Dutch is like 60% exceptions...(I may be exaggerating, but not much).

There are already 2 cel shaded DS games already, so I'm really, really happy that they've decided WW should be for the Wii U. For a while now it's felt like they're keeping the cel shading for handhelds and the "real" games for the consoles.