
@snappletree: But it IS! It looks just like this!

@AfroJezeBella: I will forget everything to save the princess/universe. It's important!

@Sputnik_Sweetheart: It's the pretty standard cat-back-from-the -groomers look. My poor cat had to have that same haircut every time her fur got too matted or it was summer (very long-haired cat).

@Lise Brown: Nah. My mind does ok until I have mirror/photographic evidence. Then it's shocked/dismayed until its usual state returns.

@BejeweledEdificeOfCheese: I have some jeggings, which are similar in fit, and they look really good on my decidedly not the target market self*. So I was double-checking to make sure these didn't come in my size. They don't :(

@Lise Brown: Or badly angled, in bridesmaid wear, and looking like I weigh at least twice what my mind tells me I do. And it was taken by my husband! He's an evil, evil man.

@Squabble: It would have been one I'd DEFINITELY watch, though- the weirdness would know no bounds, and the usual cast of women who turn out for these things would be CONFUSED.

@reenelk: I have a box (full of boxes of cookies) being shipped to me internationally. Last year, I managed to get the office hooked, so there are some extras so I don't have to share mine.

@squeakel: not necessarily- my "starving college student" apartment was WAY overdecorated. It took thrift-shop-chic to all new levels.

@cellardoor: totally hearted just for that one. And that speech was SO SMUG.

@Eleanor Ramilly: You can download OoT on the wii! It's 1000 points (buy the card at the store).

@Lady Skittlehattington: Zelda OWNS me. I am Nintendo's bitch for eternity because of that franchise- I'm currently working my way through Spirit Tracks on my DS (Christmas present from the husband) AND replaying Twilight Princess again at the same time.

@LovelyHue: I'm into Animal Crossing, and fortunately it started out with both genders. But they've released the same game with only token changes for GC, DS, and Wii, which makes me just a little sad.

All I keep thinking about is how I want a style that allows me to wear the necklace from the first/last picture Every. Single. Day. So the "fashion" part of the shoot is working on me.

@ericataylor: I check it lately, but have been missing the Twitter. One of these days I'll have to break down and do something with it.

@pinkcrickets: Eh. I think the consulate knows how ridiculous it is and does it as a formality. It's something you can only get in the countries where it's necessary.

@somnambulance: My sister was married to a guy from El Salvador who had been in the US for several years, living and working and doing everything with the INS "correctly". He put on a very good show, they dated in a romantic whirlwind for 6 months or so, had a small romantic wedding, etc.

@pinkcrickets: In the UK, I would have to have proof from the US government that I am not already married (How would I even get that since this is a state by state thing?).

@madeofawesome: and "Stori Telling" was great airplane reading!