
I’m sorry but I must let the hate flow through me. UNLIMITED RANTING!!!! HEH HEH HEHHHHH!

Pandering to the average youtuber(who if we’re being honest here is a racist sexist insufferable moronic teenager) does not make someone a talented entertainer. I’d say his connection with his viewers is based largely on his looks and screaming, and is certainly nothing to applaud. I guarantee if he were ugly he would

Oh well excuse me I didn’t know he was literally a professional entertainer. I just thought he was a rich kid who screams a lot and caters to teens.

Disagree, page views do not equal talent. And I don’t consider him talented.

Making it big on youtube does not make you a professional entertainer. This kid was clearly out of his element, which from what I can tell is pandering to teens by screaming while playing video games.

Man, getting paid to work on something you’re really passionate about. Sounds terrible. Only one bathroom between 11 people. Yikes. And those $10 office chairs. Brutal. You generally liked your co workers and became like a family. Eek, family gatherings are awkward. Wait...please don’t tell me you had an old

No, in fact I find her genuine. She’s clearly passionate about creating music and it shows. Plus her music videos are amazing.

“And if your life does not allow you to consume of said luxury than perhaps that’s a fair indicator that your time, effort and money should be funneled elsewhere.”

I’m currently playing Ninja Gaiden Black, I can assure you I need no added challenges.

I use to play wc3 tft drunk with music. Easy to skip songs using the keyboard while playing. Good times.

No it's actually a legitimate complaint.

This isn't a Twitter issue it's an electronic communication issue. I knew a kid that threatened to rape/kill my family via text messages. Shitty people love to hide behind their screens and talk shit. Not a lot you can do about it besides call the police or shame them on the internet.

Yea those silly kids shooting up schools deserve a chance to turn it around. Boys will be boys after all. Haha I always get a kick out of school shootings.

Yea there was no fight in this vid.

Never liked weed but I did try really hard to get into it because my friends loved it growing up. Just caused high anxiety and made my OCD worse. Always felt stupid while high, like a trapped in my body and can't say what I mean kind of stupid. Plus it lasts for a while. Whenever my friends smoked they became idiots,

Most of the popular garbage on Youtube gets views solely because the guy looks like bieber or the girl is attractive. It's usually pretty obvious when someone (male or female) is trying extra hard to bank on physical features. If a young woman is showing extra cleavage in all her vids than yes, it's hard to take them

Young people put up with miserable working conditions because that's what they've been conditioned to believe their whole lives. "Work harder you lazy piece of shit" is the rallying cry drilled into kids until they grow up. Another part of the problem is, as you said, the job market sucks. College graduates are

Yep. There's no such thing as karma. Sometimes life just sucks and the assholes win. A lot of times actually. Everybody alter's reality in their minds to avoid uncomfortable feelings. It's like in a movie when the asshole dominates the nice guy until the end when people learn what an awful human being the bad guy is

That thought crossed my mind too, like what tragedies today will be the entertainment of the future? 9/11 Immediately sprang to mind, which their are already movies about. As for the Titanic, it's been over a century but it still feels disrespectful turning what was real horror into essentially a thrill ride. I'm torn

Yea my parents did one of the time share tours once and they said it was miserable. Forced to go to hours of long meetings where no matter how many times you say no they just keep pushing for you to make a bad investment. Ruined the trip.