
One of my fantasy homes (assuming I'm rich of course) would be a giant log cabin, decked out with all the modern comforts. On a mountain side, not too far from a lovely cobblestone paved village.

I do enjoy my e reader for books, although I can download books for free through a disabilities program so that's pretty sweet.

I'm not a college student and can't afford a house so it looks like Detroit would be the best option. Cash for rent as long as you work at the required jobs and live in the required areas, which I'm guessing are total shit holes. This article is a lie! None of these places will pay my rent in full! I read the fine

What disturbs me is that in nearly every horror film it's always a woman who is raped/murdered/tortured. Imagine watching the Evil Dead remake and instead of a woman they have a guy who is attacked by the woods. A big slimy thorny tree root slithers into some guys asshole. Haha I can only imagine how audience

Average guy gets sucked into a fantasy land and encounters a naked group of attractive women that want to have sex with him. Declines. Riiiiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhhttttttt.

Man this guy needs to learn to edit. Briefly give us your credentials, then go into detail about how people actually fought. There's barely anything in this long winded article about the actual fighting, and it doesn't go into great detail. Like why is he holding onto the blade with his hand for example?

Yea the major entertainment industries are going to be white and male, which isn't fair(or right) but you have to take into account America's history. Again I'm not advocating 'this is the way it's always been so deal' or 'not my problem', and that does need to change. Part of the problem is the guys running these

Probably has a huge following online. Oh youtube, how I love/hate you.

I've heard of that one, it looks interesting. Never did try it out. The fighting looks a little silly/over the top but could be worth checking out.

Funny that you mention that. As a proud red head I have dealt with the only socially acceptable form of discrimination my whole life. Without fail at every job I've worked at the dumbest person in the office will eventually(or immediately) make a ginger joke. Then comes the silence as the other coworkers look down in

It's about damn time we get some good realistic swordplay in games. I love Skyrim but the combat badly needs updating. And holy hell is that kid narrating this vid annoying.

I'll agree with you on the population not matching output, but note I also said established industries, which I would wager are far more white majority than our population stats. Not saying this is right or wrong, just what it is. And it's true terms like 'white' and 'black' encompass a whole bunch of variety, I

There are some instances where corporations want(or demand, which is wrong) a white protagonist because they think the majority in this country(white people) connect better with a white lead, but then again you yourself just admitted that seeing your own skin color in a character is much more comforting. Basically

And I couldn't care less that you're tired of white people dominating the media in America. So it goes. I have no problem with anybody of any race, gender or intellectual/physical standing in any type of media. If it's believable, I'm down. If I were writing a story, 9 times out of 10 the lead character is probably

Please. Stop pretending like you're some hero of the downtrodden. Everyone talks about it. This is kinja. That's how you rack up dem recommendations. Most people here masturbate to diversity related articles. This article isn't about diversity, it's about some amazingly well done cosplay. If the only thing you have to

I'm also a light and recent comics reader, and it is hard to stay interested in new releases. I love Saga but I simply find it hard to care when there are month long (or longer during the extended release breaks) intervals between issues. Especially when it takes five minutes to burn through an issue. They really need

"This is all so, so stupid."

Lol HOLY SHIT you have outdone yourself ohhhh god. I hate this site with a passion of the christ but I had to click on this article just to see how you fucking cock juggling thunder cunts would find a way to make this about "evil white people". Lo and behold, you did not disappoint. Top comment too! Holy fuck! "Um,

Ah I see!