
If you think fantasy authors can’t use folklore from other cultures they didn’t grow up are fucking insane. I’m curious did your SJW outrage extend to the movie Krampus when it came out? Because the creature featured in the movie deviates extensively from the actual German lore. Think of all those poor German

With magic involved the only limit to explaining the reasoning behind events is the authors imagination.

You’ve come to the wrong place for logic my friend. How dare a white author make a FICTIONAL FANTASY STORY using other people’s FANTASY AS IN NOT REAL MYTHS. Just take a step back from your keyboard...this is what we are arguing about. Apparently its no longer acceptable to write about skinwalkers unless you’ve lived

The levels that people go to on this site to be offended in the name of other people’s cultures is hilarious.

That poor girl, all that unwanted attention from parading her tits to the world while playing video games. #PrayForTheTittyGamer

I am definitely not in favor of censorship but I believe this case warrants it. As a member of Christian faith I find the whole Harry Potter series deeply disturbing. Witches and wizards are tools of the devil, teaching kids that Witches went to school like a good Christian child is just plain offensive. I am sick of

Well of course if you keep fast traveling you won’t, you gotta explore a little.

Alright Cap’n Buzzkill is here. Shoddy saber work. Darth Maul should have died soooo many times when fighting the team of Jedi. It’s 2016, there’s no excuse for the one master vs a group of dancing opponents that take turns wildly swinging over head or to the side trope. And then of course the opponents get tougher as

I love watching people on this site get confused about what they are supposed to be offended by. It’s like watching a child start to use critical thinking.

The Gawker network doesn’t criticize Islamic countries, as they are full of beautiful culture. Besides, any fault you have with the UAE is due to white guys. Not the gays mind you, just them straight shooters. Also, although it has nothing to do with this article, America does bad stuff too alright? So quit being an

Pretty sure Lil Kim’s advisers would kill him if he tried to launch a nuke on someone. Even corrupt officials tend to hate nuclear annihilation.

Why does it have to be one or the other? Climate change is a huge issue but you don’t ignore income inequality to work on it. And maybe we should explore space because, I donno, progress? The way you talk about space exploration can be applied to any advancement. “Why are you working on that stupid [technology] when

Katharine blink twice if Jezebel is forcing you to like this.

This looks awful. Stale unoriginal jokes that belong in a straight to video sequel and Leslie Jones screaming do not equal a good time. Perfect waste of good talent. Cash grab reboots are insulting enough, but to hide behind the idea that this is somehow for women is even worse. The actual movie could be great but

It’s always fascinating the power cults hold over people, seeing all these people equating a fairy tale written thousands of years ago with modern science.

lol I’m just curious if you respond like a child at work as well. *smirk* #I’m14AndOhSoClever LOL #TooDumbForTheBigKidsTableSoIHideMyInsecurityBehindSassyQuips!

Thank you! This site sure has gone down the drain, this cultural appropriation nonsense is ridiculous. If a white person wants to learn martial arts or rap THEY ARE FREE TO DO SO. If I told a black person they can’t play country music because it’s “white appropriation” I’d be called a racist. How the hell is it not

After all the hype this movie was...thoroughly mediocre. It was a super hero movie for kids, Marvel Lite if you will. Because we definitely need more superhero movies. The whole movie was just really bland, no emotion, nothing interesting happens. Each character plays a one note stereotype: punk, bubbly, goofball,

She, like everybody who isn’t self employed, has a boss. That boss has another boss, and so it goes. You are free to disagree and provide input, however, as an employee if your boss tells you no...that means no. She was told to focus on politics and specifically told not to cover a story about a pop star. She

I’m guessing this movie will be a fun popcorn flick but the premise that Batman poses any sort of threat to Supes is just ridiculous. The only way Batman can win is with Kryptonite and someone as smart as Bruce should know that, so why would he even bother fighting until he plans to use Kryptonite?