Damn you're going to need a part time job to have time to reply to all these people!
Damn you're going to need a part time job to have time to reply to all these people!
These people were huge assholes and ganged up on a guy who probably works another shitty job and can barely afford rent. I certainly wouldn't want to support a business where employees act like this. Feel bad? No, I'm just happy justice was actually served here. 99% of the time this delivery driver would just have to…
I almost got %100 completion on Jumper 2...
If you make noise all the time than you are an asshole, plain and simple. Especially if you do so at night when most people have to sleep. There is no debate to be had. No one wants to hear your shitty music. No one wants to hear you at all, preferably. As anyone who has ever lived next to a degenerate noisy neighbor…
While the game looks beautiful, from what I've read it sounds like a second job. Also, unless I'm playing with friends I prefer going solo in games. I already live in a world where I'm forced to listen to different bosses/people I would normally avoid any contact with. I sure as hell don't want to spend my free time…
haha noice, i was just thinking of scaring random people in town, glad to see somebody followed thru
I have to imagine when you work at a fast food chain you wake up every day and think "big mistake".
The world was so much more interesting when pagans ruled.
I just don't follow that one infinite set of numbers is bigger than another. An infinite set, barring no restrictions or starting points would contain all numbers.
I enjoy games, I too have gotten sublimely lost in the world of Skyrim. At the same time we all have obligations. It's hard not to feel guilty playing a game too much when we ignore other responsibilities. Or ignore improving ourselves. That being said, life is not an RPG. No amount of goals checked off on the resume…
I use to do this all the time in the bath tub as a kid. Slide back and forth until I was one with the wave I created.
This..It's beautiful.
Feminists aren't looking for change. They simply want attention. The folks at Jezebel feel good latching onto feminism because they want to feel important, and everybody to feel sorry for them. One big pity party. It's like when young girls have babies to 'make their lives more important', young girls do the same…
Does everybody just have sex afterwards. With those outfits...it's gotta be on the mind.
He had a great teacher.
I too, like to roll towards and charge my enemy when carrying a gun.
If only there were some way you could stop talking to matches on tinder. Like say...perhaps some sort of unmatch feature? That would be great. Tinder needs to get on that.
Ugh. Why is it always high school kids. You can't have high school kids with super powers/skills saving the world, it's just silly. Plus they always draw them as adults anyway.
What is this lady on about? Bad guys don't give a shit about women. A dumb and violent male is going to probably rape a woman when given the chance. This isn't a knock against women, this is a reality. Remember a few weeks back when one of the Islamic extremists group took 200 or so woman and children hostage as sex…