
Everybody has a different situation, I should clarify that I wasn't making a black and white statement. If you're living with an abusive guy, it's hard to get out. I'm just going by what I read, but if she was free of this moron and came back to him, it's hard for me to care. Life's short, stop dating fucking

If a girl is constantly apologizing for her bf's doosh behavior than explain to me why I should care? He only acts like an asshole because he still gets laid. Assholes only fear consequence. If he beat her before and she came back to him, aka she was free of him and came back to him, why should I care? I'm not happy

I have no sympathy for a woman who goes back to a guy who beats her.

If Ellie started doing duckface Joel would leave her to die.

Who does the audio set ups for the commentators. Because they need to be fired yesterday. ~normal volume levels~~~~~~~*falcon punch* 30% DAMAGE TO EARDRUMS SUSTAINED~~*more screeching* 67% DAMAGE TO EARDRUMS SUSTAINED. VOLUME LEVELS ARE CRITICAL AND RISING. I RECOMMEND SHUTTING DOWN THE VIDEO CAPTAIN. "SHUT IT DOWN

I don't hate kids but this story would be amusing (agree it's definitely not true) if it were true. Although buying a shit load of pies is just a waste of money. Kids don't always get a pass because they are young. Children, like adults, come in all sorts. Many kids are downright evil *gasp*. Obviously there are

Soccer would be so much more improved if refs started handing out penalties/cards for flopping.

Yes because barring Germany, Europe did so amazing in the World Cup. Those well paid European leagues are just that..overpaid whiny cry babies who spend more effort on gel'n up their hair and flopping than they do on playing the game. The US is slowly closing the gap despite soccer getting such a bad rap here. Of

Formulaic yes, but a damn good movie. Best time I've had at the movies in a long time. Which is a shame when it gets trampled at the box office by Transformers.

This game looks really interesting but I wish they would've used realistic graphics instead of the cartoony cell shaded style. Would've been much more serene scene ry.

Man when she bends her ass back..I just..I just wanna stick my dick in that no lie.

Yes. Yes it does.

Those brightly colored uniforms must've been quite a pain in battle. The only use I could see is during the chaos of mass close quarters combat.

ME2 where are you

I also did not finish bebop, I'm on episode 19. T'was many years ago so I may feel differently now. It was alright but never really clicked for me. The episode about the kid and the dog collecting mushrooms or something was painfully slow.

Oh I will stop paying if I need something more urgent. So far nothing big, although I would like a copy of my lease. Pretty sure if you don't get a copy of the lease within 30 days it voids the contract where I'm at.

3 days, why my landlord hasn't returned my calls in over a month. Insufferable bastard.

Fuuuuuck I'm sick of zombie movies/tv. The last good zombie movies I saw were 28 days later and Zombieland.

Cannot stand Connor. That angry/smug/psychopath look he always wears creeps me out. And the guy who plays him isn't a very good actor. Also, I'm supposed to believe that he grew up in one of the most feared hell dimensions just fine? C'mon, buuuuuuulllll.

down syndrome is not a catastrophic birth defect