Go fuck yourself. Slick. ;)
Go fuck yourself. Slick. ;)
The book was good although I sometimes felt the author was trying too hard to dramatize scenes that didn't need it. The stories already amazing enough, no need for fluff.
Very interesting article, as soon as I saw the title I thought "you better duck and cover!" Gotta strike a balance, what doesn't kill you doesn't always make you stronger, life isn't a videogame. All the accolades in the world can't make you as happy as some good conversation with a friend or a great overlook on a…
Every time someone uses a range attack the damage inflicted from it should go down so people don't just spam away.
It was a joke, like rent-a-cop. That being said there's gotta be people out there who could do the job, they obviously have a big enough fan base to feature the game in a tourney.
you should cut it off, let it go
Amazing what money can buy
He took some legitimate hits but unless he was in agonizing pain that was very poor form just sitting in front of Messi's free kick at the end of the game. He used up like a minute and a half when every second mattered for Argentina. Bad way to end a game.
Thats a pretty cool looking pic ya got there.
Or hire me. Better solution.
It tis a god given right. Ol' G dubs fought for things like this. Its in the constitution. You ever watch National Treasure? It's all there mate.
Maybe she didn't know the hazards of keeping them in. So quick to judge.
I appreciate some passion but they needed to adjust the mic levels or lower the screaming. I hear lots of screaming from announcers watching world cup games and its not nearly as headache inducing.
One example does not equal the norm. I still say let me watch, put a little warning at the bottom. What do people do who don't have cable? I guess they just all die?
Statistically speaking I'm guessing the number of deaths from tornadoes in areas receiving warnings like these is pretty low. I'd be willing to take my chances, the game had less than 10 minutes to go. Give me an option before you take away my freedoms. A warning running at the bottom of the screen is a pretty clear…
Yea what I'd really like to see is someone beating the shit out of the announcers so I don't hear FUCKING SCREAMING INTO A FUCKING MICROPHONE WHERE DID THEY GET THESE JERK OFFS FUCKING RENT AN ANNOUNCER?! AMATEUR HOUR UP IN THIS SHIT JESUS.
This is nuts, just put a warning at the bottom of the screen. Really!? Cutting away at the end of the most watched sporting event in the world, an event that only takes place every 4 years. Somebody should lose their job.
You don't need to work anywhere near 100 hours a week to live a comfortable life. If you live in a place like NYC then yes, rent is outrageous, which is why you don't live in NYC unless you have a solid career. Companies keep fucking over desperate college grads by paying them shit to work long hours or simply not…
If you are at a job where you work 100 hour weeks on a regular basis maybe you should quit your job? Unless you are making bank its not worth it.
Yea he was quite the little persistent bugger. My phone would literally get texts for hours at a time. Looking back on it I should have gone straight to the police but if at all possible I try to avoid that. Even emailed me a few years later, which I did find a little amusing.