
Haha just wanted to see what your reaction would be. Surprised I didn't get banned myself. Of course this situation is a little different because you know I'm not serious. Still, I don't think what I just did is acceptable behavior that people need to just toughen up about. The internet creates a shroud of anonymity

I really hope you have kids some day. So that I may rape them. If you do have little shit spawns running around dicks getting hard just thinking about it :) I can already hear their cries :D

You're never going to gain anything by chatting with an asshole, online or in real life. Many times they lack the intelligence to process empathy, they are literally too stupid to care. Self entitled and insecure, these people lash out with as much hatred for minor annoyances as most people reserve for mortal

'returned to its owner'. I fucking hate people that own snakes. How desperate for attention and the need for everyone to know you are a badass that you own a python. Snakes are not pets, they do not feel any love for people. Mammals have evolved to form connections and use emotions to their advantage. Snakes have

I have no problem talking respectfully to a bigger girl. Or anyone for that matter as long as they aren't an asshole. But the reason I don't date fat women isn't because I'm worried what others think, I just don't find fat women attractive. And that's ok. Many girls would look amazing if they lost 20 lbs, but of

The pledge of allegiance is an outdated and backwards custom that needs to die. I do not pledge allegiance to the government, under some mythical creature in the sky that people go crazy over. The fact that they make young children recite that bullshit is all the more idiotic. I remember uncomfortably reciting that

Vibram shoes are fine if you use them correctly. It's a slow transition and you have to use them in moderation. They are meant for running on the balls of your feet. Basically you have to use common sense, I know it's hard, thinking for ourselves, but give it a go guys! All you people making fun of the shoes don't

3 unpaid internships in video production didn't do jack shit for me. fuck the system.

Multiplayer games instill a vast hatred for humanity in me.

"It's like you never pay attention to me," — this guy's girlfriend, probably.

As someone who grew up loving dinosaurs...yes please.

The first email wasn't that bad. It asked the kids to keep it down, simple request. And yes, it really is just a dumb basketball game when it comes down to it. You can do shots, act like you care about the game and scream out the window without acting like a douchebag. I had an RA freshmen year that enforced the 1

I know right? Everybody today is such an uptight twat. I got shit faced the other day and totaled my buddys car. Lmao dude was bitchin like a little bitch! Wah wah wahhhhhh. Dudes a total fag anyway. Next stupid little faggy dick sucking 'retard' car I see im flipping. Don't like it, fucking blow me cunt ass nigger

In the Mermaid skit, all those songs were awful. Ruined the skit when the last two songs are somehow considered good.

While I understand the player's frustrations, if you have 12 dollars in your account should you really be making entertainment purchases? The correct answer is no. No you should not. Live within your means.

Here's a novel idea, don't buy drinks at the bar. If you do frequent a bar, don't buy 'top shelf' scams. Also, don't buy shitty piss water, why go to a bar and pay 5 bucks for coors light? You are not poor if you hit up the bars/clubs every weekend and spend money on drinks. This is what we call living beyond our

In between school and work I did an unpaid internship for Springer/Wilkos, driving an hour 40 through stop and go traffic at five in the morning. Upon arrival I paid five bucks for parking. Then I proceeded to do menial shit like take guests on smoke breaks and get food/go shopping for the employees/guests. An

Yea this game just looks dumb. How about throughout the story we get to know the wife or child and then they are threatened. Up the stakes a little. Why do I care if a character dies that I don't know? This whole 'unstoppable angry warrior with nothing to lose' shtick has been done to death. Give us some variety.

Holy hell, for the love of god change your cosplay title, shit hurts my eyes.

I never said it was right. Still gonna do it. Too convenient not to.