serendous s

I think being in BDSM porn certainly gave him a way to ignore the the whole safe, sane, and consensual part.

So what would your suggestion be? For the accusers to basically say nothing unless they were willing to go to court or unless they had clear evidence? That would likely just mean that fewer rapes would be reported and victims would have an even greater reason to stay silent.

Honestly I don’t know that we can help them beyond providing education and helping the women/families that we know that are in that situation.

Except that sometimes victims are discouraged from pursuing legal action if there isn’t enough evidence to move forward with. It’s not just that victims want to skip the process - though I can understand why they would - it’s that, at the end of the day, what purpose is served for them if there’s not enough evidence

I’m thinking she did talk to a lawyer which is what she’s ‘not accusing him of a crime’. She’s telling her story to get it out there, likely in support of other performers who are coming forward and to make it known that there was a history of Deen’s abusive behavior. I don’t know that he could be charged with assault

So unless you can take your rapist to court, you should basically sit down and shut up? Got it.

Probably to encourage more women to get into off roading. The reasoning is that, at a lot of male-dominated events, women may be made to feel that they aren’t welcome. Not just because they get hit on - though there is that - it’s that it’s implied that this is a male thing. It doesn’t say men only but, odds are, the

It’s not always the actual getting hit on, it’s being made to feel uncomfortable or assuming that you’ll be made to feel uncomfortable in a mostly male environment. Some women may have been reluctant to try an off roading event because they didn’t want to be the only woman out there. Maybe they’re intimidated. Maybe

It’s a fetish. The way they describe and talk about the fetus is completed divorced from reality. They idolize it and the idea of pregnancy and motherhood and ignore all the unpleasant and inconvenient facts. I always get the sense that, when they talk about the unborn fetus, they’re imagining a tiny, fully-formed

We’re backsliding right back to the ‘good old days’ where brown people knew their place and everybody knew that America was a Christian nation /s

So it’s cool to just assume that the brown people behind the counters are neither Christian or real Americans? Got it. That’s totally not xenophobic at all. But I’m not shocked that people are supporting this. We’re right back to the No Nothings - xenophobic nativists that wallow in their ignorance.

Return of the Jedi was my first Star Wars theater experience, too. Little me didn’t even really notice that there were only a few female characters because I was so wrapped up in the story. Even now that doesn’t bother me too much because Leia and Mon Mothma actually did things rather than just being set pieces. Even

Yes. For some men, doing anything that deviates from the standard, heterosexual masculine image is unimaginable and terrifying. For some guys even relatively minor things - like wearing a kilt - causes the most ridiculous, outsized reactions. Holding so tight to that hypermasculine image and then finding out you were

Don’t feel bad about it. The most important thing is to acknowledge that you received the help rather than railing against assistance for other people who haven’t been as fortunate. There’s nothing worse than someone bragging about how they did everything on their own with no public assistance (bootstraps!) while

Its one of my favorite reads and her reviews are pretty spot on. I also like the diversity in her comics - all races, ethnicities, body types, and genders.

True. Apparently if you’re a woman porn performer, you’re nothing but a dirty whore anyway. And if you perform BDSM, rough sex, or rape fantasies, you’re just asking for it even more.

I do wonder what happened with that. I liked how she talked about the pros and cons of doing porn. I’m wasn’t a James Deen fan before so I just didn’t get the appeal but now I really hope that she didn’t go through with it. I’d hate to see her somehow get pulled into this whole thing even more so.

Which is scary in and of itself. Was Deen really that much of a money-maker that he could get away with assaulting women and no one said boo about it?

I actually didn’t like the app when I did WW. I used MyFitnessPal most of the time because it had a bigger food database. At the end of the day I’d end up entering my info on the WW site. I finally just got bored with it and switched out to MyFitnessPal all together. The point system was easy to memorize though.

I can understand people getting upset. You’re paying for the ease of use and the product crapped out at a time when people are likely to overeat or lose track of what they’re eating. Yes, you can always do paper and pencil or use Evernote but the app is easier and faster, especially if you’re very busy or if you don’t