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That assumes that people are actually going to follow that particular rule. Hint: they’re not. They’re off duty meaning they’re there to have fun and what’s more fun than having a couple of beers at a game? Even better if you had some before you got there so you don’t have to pay stadium prices. So of those extra

Bullshit stories aside, has anyone else seen the posts on Facebook about how unattractive Candy Carson is? Maybe I’ve been (un)luck enough to have friends and families that like to repost these things but I’ve seen several that talk about how nerdy/old/ugly she is compared to Michelle Obama. It’s just so unnecessary

It’s like they’re laying out all of the reasons why it’s okay that Freddie Gray died in police custody. He had a criminal record, his mother was an addict, he was in a crappy neighborhood with boarded up houses. I guess I can understand setting the scene but really all it does is give more fuel for people to say

I was just looking at her collection. I’m on a self-imposed clothes buying ban but I really wanted one of the skirts.

Oh, man, I read that a few weeks ago. The thing that bothered me the most after reading up on the allegations is how much sites like Oh Joy Sex Toy and Jezebel have promoted Deen. He’s funny, real, a feminist, and totally not like those other skeevy porn dudes. Except that he’s not. In fact he seems a whole lot worse

At least in the sense that they didn’t flail around making excuses. Of course, I feel it has a lot more to do with their image and bottom line than anything else. They’ve billed themselves as a company where the performers are consenting to and really enjoying rough sex and have helped to promote Deen as this cool

I think it’s possible to be a feminist and a porn star. Just like you can be a feminist SAHM, a feminist stripper, or feminist truck driver. Being a feminist is about equality and being free to make choices rather than having choices made for you. It’s totally possible for a porn star to be a feminist in that sense

He’s creepy. I don’t get the whole rape fantasy thing. It’s disgusting. I understand that some people are totally into but I’ve never been able to stomach it. I can handle BDSM but his stuff is way too much. I don’t get the Jezebel love for him other than being an attractive dude that says the right things. I know he

Why not? What about feminists who act out rape scenes as part of their kink in private? Or who get off on being tied up and beaten? Or slapped. Or called a dirty, cocksucking whore? Or who engage in any activities that some of us consider frightening or disgusting. Feminism is about having the freedom to make those

I think sometimes people forget that rapists aren’t always in rapist mode. It’s perfectly understandable, even though we don’t like it, that someone who has only had positive dealings with someone would come out to support them. Especially if they really don’t want to think of their friend or family member as a

It wouldn’t have been as bad if they had incorporated parts of the original design rather than just ripping off the whole thing. I wonder if they’ll try to justify this by pointing out that the picture can be seen in books and is therefore available to the public

We used to try to get my MIL useful stuff like a electric kettle - she worries about boiling water for tea on the stove. That was years ago and it’s sitting on her counter having been used maybe twice. She’s worried it will start a fire. So now we just get her usually useless stuff with chickens on it. Random towels,

Shocking that access to healthcare actually improves health outcomes.

I think she’s going for a specific look not just a smaller waist size.

She’s totally their kind of celebrity - all flash, no real talent. She’s what Edina and Patsy have always really wanted to be and I can totally see those two trying to latch on to the Ks.

I definitely agree that it’s the tone. It gave me the impression that people are somehow wrong for not wanting to be as hands on or involved with the death of their loved one. I get that in the U.S. we are very removed from death. Most of us have never been with someone when the died and we only see the body after

Then the advice would be for her to break it off since he refuses to knock that shit off. If he doesn’t want to change and doesn’t get that this is bothering her, then there’s no point in trying to make him change. This sounds like game playing which really isn’t going to do much to change the root of the problem.

I know I check out men and women more than my husband. He can be kind of oblivious at times. We actually both like bigger women and I’m way more inclined to nudge him and say ‘check her out’. Same with interesting clothes, hair, etc...I don’t have a problem with glancing or looking or even the occasional comment as

It doesn’t sound like he’s doing anything other than looking. She doesn’t say that he says anything about the women like he’s comparing them or telling her how much he wants to fuck them or even that he stares at them. Not that there couldn’t be more to the story but, based on what’s here, it sounds like he’s doing

Also when a religion encourages and enforces a very strict gender role structure, it is easy to allow and justify certain behaviors. Women aren’t just told to submit, they are encouraged to have no agency or identity outside of the prescribed roles. Men aren’t just told to that they are the head of the family, they