“I just wanted to do something different.”
“I just wanted to do something different.”
I own a candle company (with a brick & mortar) that could fall into the “premium” range however this has made me underline and bold my “create luxury line for 2016” item on my To Do List.
Shout out to all my fellow Jezzies who read “inexpensive Yankee candles” and thought about how you only get Yankee candles when they're on the clearance endcap at TJ Maxx.
If you just look at the comments here, you can see how it would happen. So many people who haven’t even set foot in Baltimore at absolutely, 100% certain of Porter’s guilt or innocence. As a Baltimore resident who has followed the case pretty closely, I’m not at all surprised that they were deadlocked. I don’t think…
They were deadlocked on all charges. If they had been able to decide on a single charge, then that decision would stand, and the mistrial would only be for the deadlocked charges.
Why am I not surprised?
This month I fully investigated myself and found myself guilty of being awesome. This, of course, was a completely unbiased investigation with comprehensive notes and interviews with my grandparents who know me to be without any flaws whatsoever. I’m pretty much perfect in every way.
Leslie Jones is Bad. Ass.
If Lala doesn’t feel violated, I am happy and glad for her (being a rape survivor myself, I would never wish anyone to feel what I feel/felt), but I certainly hope she doesn’t feel like she can speak for any other women that have had a similar experience with this guy. She might not feel violated or threatened by him,…
It doesn’t look like that faux corset is laced right at all, either. :(
My BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD (my soul sister; one of two people I would take a bullet for, the other is blood family) is Muslim. She is also a Christmas baby. Every year, she delights in giving me gifts on a day that really should be just HER BIRTHDAY, but I celebrate Christmas, so. I also get her a TON OF STUFF…
Woo! Mad love for the Hip Hop Trooper!
I.....don’t....get...this. Who is banning Christmas? I’m a heathen Jew and I love my extra day off. WHO CARES ABOUT THIS NONSENSE?
Oh for fucks sake. This is so goddamn martyrifically stupid...
I wonder when and where he was radicalized?
Oddly, even though she wasn’t my favorite, it’s this Barbie that stands out most in my mind. She came with that bottle of stanky perfume, and the dress - it was adjustable! It wasn’t my absolute favorite Barbie dress, but it got a hell of a lot of play. I also particularly liked this doll’s hair because it was long…
News vacation. Plug up and stop using ANY of the Hype above facts news outlets.