

Don’t blame Trump. Don’t even mention his name. If we start blaming Trump for every sexual assault that takes place in this country these pervs might actually try to use “President Trump said it was okay” as a defense in court and I’ve seen dumber defenses work. Remember “afluenza”? Do you really want “Trump Fever” to

What? Is there another Bernie I don’t know about? I’m not sure how you can possibly call Bernie a “Democrat-come-lately”. Bernie has always been a Democrat and has been on the same message for like 40 years. He’s never changed or flip flopped any of his positions. He’s a pillar of the party.

Is this stupidity really news worthy? More importantly, is it hate worthy? We get it. Olde grandpappy Donald is a fuddy duddy cause he listens to olde timey music; so what? These kinds of useless non-stories do WAY more harm than good.

Isn’t this story like years old? Why talk about it now?

You know that using the word flesh repeatedly when describing women’s beauty makes you sound super SUPER rapey right? Like, guy who flays his victims alive to make a skin suit, rapey. Seriously not joking, the creep factor went to 11 on that comment. Buffalo Bill would get the willies from you.

lt; dr: All men are jerks, don’t trust them.

Look, your friends were assholes, but not all men (or boys) are like this so please don’t lump us together. I’m a guy. Growing up my best friend was a girl, & I mean since I was like 9, well before I knew what sex was or that I wanted to have it so this was truly just

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  • We’ve been warned that assholes will post alarmist bullshit on the internet cause they’re butt hurt their candidate didn’t win.

The impression I get is that this guy is so in love with the sound of his own voice that he writes pompus bombastic drivel like this just to here it in his head when he reads it to himself latter, probably while masturbating.

“Everybody has a plan till they get punched in the face.”
Mike Tyson~

I am not a big fan of abortion in general, but I have to agree with you. As a man I have no right to tell a woman what to do with her body. Men may not like it, but we have to accept it.

I don’t want the government telling me what I can put in to or take out of my body & that right extends to women as well which

How seasonally appropriate.

I’ll give him this much, it ended the fight.

This article is recycled from like 6 months ago. It wasn’t news then either.

tl;dr both.

Yeah! Trump messes up everything he touches so don’t vote for him... oh wait, shit.

Seriously though, I get smack talking a candidate before an election, but the election is over. Trump won. What is the point of shit taking him now? All you’re doing is rubbing in every ones face how fucked we are. Are we suppose to

Let her dance while Rome burns. It’s all she has left.

I know you’re trying to make us all feel better by trying to find any way you can to under cut Trump’s victory, but at the end of the day he still won, we’re still fucked, & this sad little non-story is weak sauce.

Do you know how many pictures there are of Obama looking concerned, stressed, Pensive, worried, even

Yeah, cause he know the hatred & vitriol for Trump is so high he actually has a decent shot at the oval office like soon.

Its not that people wanted Trump; its that they wanted absolutely anyone but Clinton. There is simply no candidate the Republicans could have put up that Clinton could beat. She is just fucking awful. The Republicans could have nominated monkey & it would have beaten Clinton, probably by an even wider margin than