
kim’s a dick.

I have personal beef with Swift, but I think Taylor can sue them and win. Unless they had her permission to record the conversation, LA has laws against this. There’s a difference between I’m thinking about doing this to it is absolutely happening. She could have changed her mind at some point or her people explained

Not everyone knows what to say. It won’t harm anyone to give the inarticulate a break.

Agreed but my only caveat to this is...leash your dog on “on leash” trails and parks of course! But at the few specifically “off leash” dog parks and trails- don’t bring your dog if you don’t want other dogs trying to play! My dog is the sweetest, excited dummy. He is 100 pounds and I get that that makes him look

So I want to preface this post with the fact that I feel ridiculous even posting it after this past week in America. I feel like maybe getting it out somewhere will help me move on.

I just got back from a hike. I took my neighbors’ dog (Lola, 9 year old boxer) since we have the kind of hood where we can take their dog, randomly leave beer in their fridge, and exchange babysitting for booze and peanut butter.

Yeesh...that is one fugly wedding dress.

I honestly love Victorian archictecture more than any other, I think. It’s my dream to have a Victorian country home, preferably in shades of pink. I just want to live in a dollhouse made of cake...

Nouveau riche nightmare with no functionality and ill-suited for its climate? Why, I never.

Personally, I think it’s way too much house for the lot, making it look stout. That, and it’s a very bland design in general, from the muted colors to the way the front door is kind of lost. It looks like it’s doing too much and not enough at the same time (if that makes any sense).

Why would you bother even building anything but a Victorian? These people have no taste.

Damn rich people are silly as hell (and have the gaudiest taste in houses).

It’s such a desperate, transparent attempt to appear intellectual. But really? National Geographic? Pleeeeaaase.

America’s Foredads: the original Brexit.

Yes. They are against abortion but also against all the effective ways to reduce abortion.

I’ve already decided to take a social media break if it goes badly. I’d either be angrily ranting and raving, or starting some serious FB feuds with anyone who disagrees.

You’re a doctor, so let’s defer to evidence.

All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.

Where are the dicks

I feel so bad for Johnny Manziel’s father. What a terrible thing to have to see, the deterioration of your own child, and you can't do anything about it.