
Oh, so you’re the asshole in the audience who yelled, “Tell us about your mom!” when I saw her a few years ago.

From the comments here. hard to believe she has a successful 31 year career in comedy. But she does, haters. She has enough fans to make a good living doing what she does. I liked her early work, but haven’t seen enough of her modern stuff to make an opinion.

If you see a white, hetero, abled male comedian who is painfully unfunny, do you say he’s “giving a bad name” to whites, hetersexuals, men, etc?

Wow. That is some next-level hate you got going on there.

I feel like people like Justin HAVE to say she’s a delight to toe some sort of imaginary PC line.

Truth is, she is a horrible comedian. She’s Asian and female, though, so everyone needs to be obligated to like her.

Oh hell no. She needs to STFU.

I like how Demi rants about this stuff, as if she is so morally and intellectually high and mighty. Get off your high horse, girl. Celeb gossip pays your fucking bills.

STFU Demi.

I mean she went to another school and has graduated. But still. She's a fucking moron.

you know, it really isn’t nice to speak ill of the dead...

So basically, to get into U of T you have to be in the top 10% of your class, which she was not, or have an excellent extracurricular resume, which she did not. It’s amazing/alarming that this case still made it to SCOTUS.

Dear Antonin Scalia,

This wasn't speeding. If he was doing 80 on the LIE at 2AM, I'd agree with you. This was recklessly weaving through traffic, making multiple illegal and dangerous lane changes, and putting the lives of dozens of others at risk. I'm entirely in favor of felony charges for drivers who injure or kill cyclists and

In your opinion, someone fires a gun into a crowd and just happens to miss. How should that be handled?

Team Martha, neither am I, but his face is sooo punchable

he cannot be unseen.

Being on the wrong side of history and clinging to outmoded, archaic ideology in the face of a changing, global, tech-focused, inclusive, mixed-race society is STUPID. This is their last gasp.

Nope. They know exactly what makes their base tick.

Well it began several million years ago when Tilda emerged, fully formed, from the Great Ocean and stepped onto the muddy shores of East Pangea...

I had a discussion right here on Jezebel years ago with someone who told me I was being close minded by not “exploring the option” that vaccinations do more harm than good. She really lost me when she went on to say that baby formula still hasn’t been deemed safe and when I told her it has she implored me to provide