
Thanks for saying this. I feel like he same. I see interviews with her an pd you can see she suffers from some form of anxiety. She frequently fiddles with her hands. She’s uncomfortable on camera. She didn’t used to be this way. I’m sure if she hated it, we’d hear about it somehow.

I have a soft spot for her too. I just want Britney happy and healthy and alive.

I guess, for me, it feels that way because I’ve read so many articles, and also had personal experience, with legal guardians taking advantage of their children for profit. I have some work experience with social work and have dealt with exploitative foster parents (taking on more kids than they could handle for state

I agree. This arrangement appears to work for her. She does seem happy to do her show, but also be able to spend time with her kids. Something she wasn’t able to do before her father stepped in. I just hope that her siblings (or her sons when they are old enough) are being educated to take over for her father. I do

I read that a lot of her money is in a trust fund so it’s protected from her overspending (since that’s what she used to do when she was a bit wackadoo from her untreated bipolar disorder). The only people that get a percentage are her father, her lawyers, and her doctors.

*looks at the Tom Daly pick* Bloody hell are we just growing our divers in a vat now? We’re clearly cloning them somehow.

I saw a documentary on Britney once (For the Record?) and there was a scene where her friends surprised her by taking her out in the middle of nowhere so she could drive a car without being accosted by fans/paparazzi. I hope she gets her dream car and someplace to drive it without hassle.

It’s a reference to The Matrix. The red pill brings clear-eyed reality; the blue allows one to continue to live an illusion.

Khloe’s tweet is downright disturbing. It’s sickening that she could post such a graphic photo without caring how disgusting and wrong it is. Revenge porn at its finest. This is also rich coming from someone whose family has profited off of a sex tape.

What the fuck, Khloé?

Kim has plenty of talent - she’s very talented at being famous. If you don’t think that requires skill, ask yourself what happened to every other ‘famous for being famous’ person from the last twenty years. Kim is the only one who just keeps on commanding that spotlight.

Right? And to think Khloe used to be my favorite of the bunch.

That's extraordinarily fucked up.

You’re not having a stroke, but I felt the same way at first!
She needs punctuation - or a proofreader. The “truth is, [the] last thing we need right now is more hate - in any form.”

YIKES. I’m ok with “NSFW” but I’m not ok with what Khloe posted. Unauthorized nudity isn’t funny. Kinda revenge porn-ish, bad form Koko...

This whole Kim/Kanye/Taylor video just makes every single one of them look petty AF.

This is fucked. Do your research — also don’t slut shame and post paparazzi shots of a 19 year olds ass in some kind of ridiculous feud. Khloe don’t make me hate you.

Ok so Khloe is gross.

All of this is SO DELICIOUS, but then Khloe had to come in and ruin with her tweet about CGM. Good job.

It has always baffled me that other people didn’t think she was a mean girl because everything about her behaviour screams mean girl to me. She acts so much like the worst girls that tortured me in school.