
GIRL, you have insurance! Make an appointment with a doctor outside the mall!

I’m so glad I live in SF, because I am a very very butch woman, and I am constantly worried that “concerned citizens” might see me in a ladies room and flip out on my ass. I think I can cross off the entirety of the deep south off of any future travel itineraries.

And for those who say they will vote for Trump over Clinton, or waste their vote with a Jill Stein nod — do they think that a President Trump will be better for a Senator Bernie Sanders as he continues to try to build momentum around his revolution? They don’t think Clinton MIGHT just work better with Bernie on these

Can’t believe I’m actually replying to this in all sincerity. But. I think Gigi is totally legit the real thing. I thought so from the beginning, she just has ‘it’, whether you like her look or not, or think she’s more commercial than ‘high’ fashion (‘high fashion’ always makes me think of Tyra Banks, do people

There are no more supermodels. There are models with massive social media followings, preferably members of Taylor’s Squad. Honestly, for fashion these days, it’s either an “Insta Girl” or a celeb. Of the two, I prefer the former.

Imagine the parents that complained. IMAGINE THEM.

If you ask me, that’s why locally elected schoolboards should be outlawed across the country. They’ve been dumbing down our schools for decades.

Wint had only been in trouble with the administration once before—when she had hung a student-made sign behind her desk reading “Marriage is about love, not gender.”

I can’t believe this isn’t an Onion article.

The word vagina isn’t a word that explains “reproduction” or anything like that. It’s a body part. They’ve basically just taught all these young girls that their body parts are unmentionable and bad words/things we don’t talk about.

For me, the value is that I never get bored because I can always try new things. I’ve done Pilates, yoga, spinning, dance classes, TRX bootcamps, rowing, even Crossfit because of ClassPass. That’s something you can’t get at a regular gym.

this service is not targeted at people that work out at the Y

From what I’ve told, yes.

I’d say people who are outside the situation (ie every single Beyonce/Jay Z fan) need to back the fuck off this woman as well. Beyonce’s fan can be incredibly, incredibly shitty to anyone who they disagree with or think messed with their queen. The threats against her should be taken just the same as if they were

So for all the talk of black girl magic, of Tamir, Freddy and their mothers, the value of black women...this is the legacy of Lemonade? Tell me I am wring, but then tell me what they conversation has been, what’s dominated the headlines...especially here. For all the talk of her blood and sweat and the significance of

There is no excuse for them to bully and harass her. You have to be insane to threaten physical violence against someone you’ve never met for allegedly having an inappropriate relationship with the husband of someone else you’ve never met.

Has anyone considered that the poor woman was probably just having a good hair day and that the world doesn’t actually revolve around Bey Z?

I don’t really care about her but they beyhive does need to stop bullying and harassing her daughter. It doesn’t matter what the woman did, there is no excuse to start attacking her daughter.

That’s it? She made a crack on instagram about being Becky, and everyone took it goddamn seriously?

I don’t condone cheating but this is a whole new level of slut shaming.