
This always happens when conservatives whine about liberals being too PC and easily offended, but they cry persecution whenever you say anything criticizing Christianity or whatever. So goddamn annoying.

Concurred in entirety. The request for censorship troubled me, and the one book is such a tiny drop in the bucket I don’t think it would help anyway. But talking with the child about the messaging was a great way to handle it! She can apply that lesson to everything.

Well. It’s a very sexy and expensive bathrobe.

Ugh yes I’ve seen a variation of that meme too, but from a fellow liberal/democrat - it basically compares Michelle Obama’s classiness with, GAASPPPP, the fact that Melania was naked at one point in her life.

I imagine my SIL would have similar objections but she and my brother deemed FB to be too full of drama so they deleted their profiles...or so they say. In either case, I don't get to see her non-denominational pearl-clutching anymore. Part of me would like to hate-follow her through this election year but it's

This sucks because they are lying to consumers. It does bear mentioning though that contrary to what’s implied here, SLS is non carcinogenic and the concerns about it are largely fear mongering nonsense about chemicals (as discussed in the very link you include in your article).

I really hate it when people bring up this metric. My 17 gallon fuel tank is no teacup, and i’m never getting over 20mpg anyway. Cost to fill up isn’t the problem. It’s how often you have to do it.

I’m a vegan and overall against killing animals for food, unless it is for a pet, so I’m not a fan, because I don’t think we need to eat animal products to be healthy and survive. This is my personal opinion obviously, I’m not asking anyone else to agree with it. I just don’t like it.

I made a burner for this. No one knows this story except me, my husband and our healthcare providers. I had an abortion of a baby I wanted more than anything, ever. I loved her so much.

Yeah, I have to kind of agree here. If you’re going to work magic into US history, you can either ignore the lore of Native Americans, which is dismissive, or incorporate it, and get attacked for appropriation.

WAY too many of these “Don’t be a fraidy cat of my gun” intimidater types don’t have the FIRST CLUE as to how to store or handle them safely.

It’s time for mandatory education before purchase, ‘cause these people just aren’t getting it done.

so blasse about posting intimate photos of herself online

You don’t own your niece.

Looks like she’s calling out hypocrisy to me. And the idea that Kim had “no skin in the game” when Khloe is only involved because Kim is married to Kanye is NON-FUCKING-SENSE.

Nobody is making all of feminism all about Kim Kardashian or Amber Rose. But to have people that prominent pushing sex- and body-positivity is, I think, a fucking first for American culture and a net positive for feminism.

I’m more worried about your niece learning to spell from you than learning about self-love from Kim Kardashian.

Why? This is a serious question. Why would you hate for them to be blasse confident and secure enough about their own bodies to post pictures of themselves that they like?

Amber Rose and Kim are gonna basically own sex-positivity after this. Fuckin #werq, ladies.