
she doesnt own him. like i can’t make my boyfriend stop liking football, she can’t make her husband do anything.

I agree. But there are so many comments here about why me thinking that isn’t the same as Kim thinking that because THINGS and STUFF. I just wish we could all stop hating on each other. Kim is not the devil. She figured out her assets and marketed them to perfection, and way better than the rest of us. Good for her. I

I don’t know if she is or isn’t. My point is, she is allowed to do whatever she wants to her body. Because it’s her body. And she, just like you and I, don’t owe a soul in the world an explanation why.

Because she’s allowed to... wait for it... have body autonomy and change/adjust it however she sees fit.

I agree with everything you said except that I think you laid out almost all the reasons why she isn’t a good person.


I'm sure someone will. But Kim is not as stupid as people think.

I don’t know... Her sex tape help catapult her to fame, sure. But the reality show and her (her mother’s?) business sense kept her there. If using ones body to be famous is the worst thing we can say about her - I dunno. Just doesn’t seem too big of a deal to me. *shrug*

Cue someone who will come along and say she didn’t write it in 3....2....1....

No, it’s from a woman who had a sex tape leaked without her initial consent and decided to say “fuck y’all, Ima make my paper on this” and has since become her own product. Is it one I want to buy? Not really. But I don’t condemn her for unapologetically playing the misogynistic system men and women both participate

Everything is outrage. Outrage over what this person did, outrage over what this person said, outrage over the outrage... I am done with it. Fuck it. Live and let live at this point. Everyone is problematic, no one is perfect. If Kim Kardashian wants to post a naked selfie, go for it. I don’t have to look at it. I

And... this is exactly why I can’t hate on her. You go Kim.

One thing I haven’t seen mentioned in the comments here is how this “trickle down effect” isn’t valid in a place like NYC (I’m most familiar with it). Between all the rich coming in and buying up luxury pied-a-terres and said rich buying up more than one, there is nothing to trickle down. Alissa points to a thought


Unfortunately this is not the case. Increase the supply in the top doesn’t mean that it trickles down. Especially in places like San Francisco, Oakland, New York, Los Angeles, Seattle or anywhere else in the world. This only exasperates the issue. Let’s take for example San Francisco; during the downturn the city

I basically fall into a pit of self-loathing and want to die anytime I think of who I was 5 or 10 years ago. uugh how could I have possibly dated that guy or said that weird thing to that friend who stopped talking to me afterward. I’m glad I thought I was too indie (groan, I know) for myspace in high school. AIM chat

Isn't a gif with sound pretty much a Vine?

Just give a glance back at this thread the next time you check Jez. I’m sure none of any of these people meant anything other than she is often photographed naked and there is absolutely nothing wrong with her doing so and making money from it. They APPLAUD her even.

Fear Factor. “What if... Trump gets elected” fear.

Frankly she should go after him separately for that. what an ass!