
Apparently I’m really difficult to get to says my best friend who I haven’t seen in 9 years. I just..don’t. Don’t do people. Don’t like people. Don’t want to be around people.

My neighbor is trying to get to know me for some reason. I’m really terrible at this. Gah, can’t everyone just leave me alone in my

So, here’s me.

I feel like I have friends, but they’re all people I know online. In the Meat Realm, it’s pretty much just “people I know.”

I’m not quite the same there, I do like a lot of dressing, but we totally agree that it shouldn’t be sweet! Hate that.

Embarrassing to admit, but part of the reason why my bf and I aren’t married is because I’m afraid nobody would come to the wedding except his friends and his family. I get along with everybody, but I seem to be on the periphery of everybody else’s close social groups. I don’t think there are really any people who

Yes. In high school I did drugs and had an untreated mental health issue so I was a general mess. When I got sober and sane I was nothing like young me. I felt like those that knew me when I was younger never knew the real me and I didn’t like to be reminded of my former self so I didn’t keep in touch. My sister on

I think if you have 3-4 people you can confide in, you’re actually doing pretty well. I don’t mean this to be dismissive of your feelings, because I do understand them. I also have only a couple of people I’d consider close friends. The person I text most often, by far, is my sister.

YUP. I’ve got my husband, work acquaintances, and nobody. My husband’s perfectly fine with that but I get so bored and venting-backed-up not having girlfriends to rant to.

That’s sound, rational advice and I needed to hear it. Thank you.

I am either tired or drunk because I read your first sentence as “I have a HUGE crush on my friend, Jesus Christ” and I really didn’t know where it was going to go from there. Er, I hope it works out for you and the Jeez.

You truly have my sympathy. When you want a good salad, there’s nothing like a good salad. Darn.

I just got netflix like 2 or 3 months ago and I’m still giddy about it. I had cancelled cable because I could just never find the time to watch shows when they were on, and this whole being able to binge when I have the time is amazing!

Anyone want to talk about Yolanda Hadid-Foster Hadid?

I met some of my closest friends through Meetup. You definitely have to sort through them and find good ones (or start your own), but I’ve had really good luck, as have other people I know.

Wow, for once I can actually do one of these! Here goes:

Are you at all athletic or interested in anything like that? I have met great friends through running and triathlon groups. Doesn’t have to be those though - walking or yoga or ultimate frisbee - whatever floats your boat, there are probably groups that meet to do those things.

I like volunteering. Only really kind people volunteer. I met my dearest friends volunteering to clean a park.

Hey everyone - just moved to a completely new city and I’m kind of an introvert by nature... what’s the best way to meet people and develop a social life in a new town? Open to tips!

Hi Jezzies, I have a boy rant. I’ve been seeing this guy for about a month and while we haven’t had the exclusive talk yet, I’m not seeing anyone else and I don’t think he is. I really like him and it seems like he really likes me. But he’s on a 2 week trip and I’m really paranoid that he’s going to lose interest. He

Guys I am so upset!