
This is the letter I just sent. They need to know liberals like $30 khakis too.

*news anchor voice* Clothing company apologizes for featuring style interview with gender equality advocate. Elsewhere in WhatTheActualFuckville, a local movie theatre bans the Harry Potter films because Emma Watson is the spokeswoman for He for She. More at 11, stay tuned.

Equal and opposite reaction time folks:

This is also the End Times. I mean, this is a catalogue clothing company and they can’t donate money to the UN Women’s Fund for Women’s Equality because it causes moral outrage. In 2016.

It’s OK to shop at Hobby Lobby if you’re getting stuff for your sinful stripper costumes.

Of course HLs are usually staffed by women so perhaps this isn't the best iteration of a PP shirt.

I had to go to one to buy something for a school project last year. I found my kid in the stamp aisle, turning every single cross/White Jesus stamp backwards or upside down. It was a proud moment.

It takes a lot for a medical professional to cry like she did as she told the story.

He's gotta show the white guys he's a one of the good brownies that doesn't worship cows and elephants.

Jindal’s such a f*cking suck up loser piece of trash.

It’s also worth noting that Planned Parenthood has been building a new facility in New Orleans that would provide abortions (the current facility does not provide abortions, but referrals) and it has been a shitshow. The local Catholic diocese literally told builders that if they worked on the building, the church

Now playing

Republicans know they can’t just outlaw abortion, so instead they make it impossible. This was posted earlier, but if you haven’t seen it please watch it. And try not to cry.

They have good science kits but Jesus is everywhere looking at you and judging you.

Yep. Fuck Beyonce’s bullshit act. Adele is the real deal.

She’s such a badass. I love the idea of some Sony exec trying to get on her back for this and her shutting him *down* in her fantastic Croydon accent. “You fucking WOT?”

my reaction

THANK YOU. If it’s such a problem, buy your own damn food.

I don’t understand this love for Rob? I don’t watch KUWTK, but from the bits I saw way back when, he was a whiney little shit, slut shaming and dissing his sisters left and right while happily living off their money.


Cmon, are you really trying to tell me Anna Wintour isn’t a fan of this high fashion tailored look from Yeezy Season 3?