
Do not cry. Please do not cry. I promise you that this is so much better than Cruz. I know it seems like cold comfort but when it comes down to narcissist buffoon vs dictatorial sociopath, I’m going with the buffoon every time.


I'm 27 too and thought it was pretty cute. I don't 100% know why it went viral, but it's fairly innocuous.

But it’s not arbitrary at all! It’s VINE. These Vine memes come and go very, very quickly, but people usually latch onto a catchphrase and ride it into the ground for a week. See: Deez Nutz, Ra ta ta white boy, Bruh, A potato flew around my room, etc.

I, while old and uncool, actually think this is really adorable. Teens messing around/teasing while being nice and having everyone enjoy themselves is a nice thing to see get a little Internet popularity. I’ve worked with teens and they are weird as Fuck, so while I don’t GET this, I do sort of appreciate it and think

I love all the “oh, I’m old, I don’t get it.” There is nothing to get, you guys. I’m 27 and I laughed at the video. Why? Because a kid was using a funny voice to say nonsensical shit to another (good-looking) kid. Like.... what isn’t to get????? People’s desire to be “soooo above” memes is what I don’t get.

While I have absolutely no specific knowledge of the law, I’m pretty sure she’d be in clear breach of contract.

I actually liked my Windows phone but there is zero support from the major apps so I switched back to Apple.

I was thinking more along the lines of Balls Are Steel-Encased...

yes, yes it would. I believe BASE is an acronym.

Noooo! I don't want this to be true!! I love how insane she is about door frames and original tiling, even though I'd hate owning one of her kitchens with countertops made out of doors. (Character is for the rest of the house- please McMansion the shit out of my kitchen!)

Clinton? Belichick? Cosby? You can’t possibly mean Gates in this situation.

After reading the “approved” comments, I’m shocked at how many people don’t understand this issue. At the time of this comment, only 1 person understood.

I wanna know what Kanye thinks about this.

Hoo-boy, there’s nothing quite like watching someone (you, in case there’s any ambiguity) double-down on idiocy.

You fucked up, kid. That headline is unkind, insulting and blames the victim. Get your shit together.

One of these days, we’re gonna get a top notch (inadvertent) snuff film from one of these HD.

There is NOTHING on Earth that could get me to climb to the top. It wouldn’t be a matter of outright refusal, but a crippling fear that would prevent it from happening.

Anyone else nut sacks a tingling here?!?!?! .... yikes...

Of the 1,002 adults polled last week, 51 percent said Apple should work with the FBI; 38 percent said Apple should not cooperate,;and 11 percent didn’t know.