
I used to still repeatedly watch this video for Alejandro Sanz.

You do realize the RH franchise is just a basic version of Game of Thrones, yes? This broad is either Varys or Littlefinger. At least she thinks she is.

So many people are being decieved by the show “Fixer Upper.” Waco is not a sweet country town filled with adorable shabby-chic homes. IT’S A TRAP PEOPLE.

Bobby...I usually agree with you on most everything but you are wrong here. Dallas is awesome. Houston is shitty. It is seriously one of the ugliest large cities, its dirty, and people drive like maniacs. I know you spent some time in Texas so I have a feeling you’re biased bc you were in South Texas (right?).

Counterpoint: Waco.

Jezebel commenters continuously impress me with their ability to pinpoint exactly what work people have had done to their face. So ladies, we all know Demi Moore had quite a bit done a few years ago, but unlike her peers, her face post-work has “aged” beautifully. What exactly did she do, still do? How were her

I didn’t know I wanted this until right now...

I think this engagement news is great. Kylie and Tyga should also get married. They should all live together and raise the kid (Blac & Tygas) together and it’ll be like one big convoluted episode of Modern Family

Me after reading that headline:

Yeah I thought that sounded like a little too easy of an explanation. I was into older guys when I was a teen and snuck around, but I hadn't been bullied, nor did I have an absentee father. I just liked older guys.

I feel horrible for the father, I can’t imagine the guilt felt by both parents. Even when parents have the best intentions, the internet is a scary place that is ever expanding.

While I don’t dig the clear Bernie bias in the following Paste article (nor in this Jezebel article either...”the excellent campaign”?), I did find the q&a on the history and relative lack of importance of superdelegates to be informative:…

Thank you, this is a way better way of expressing my dubiousness over the situation

White priest, to boot. Also, in totally unshocking news, the Catholic church allowed him to remain a priest until the late 1960s, despite the fact that by 1960 he had already been convicted of assaulting one woman (even if it was pleaded down to a more minor offence) and then accused of raping and murdering another.

What the fuuuuuuck. This is like the headline you’d see on a newspaper in a Lifetime movie. Just how? How?

but hey here’s a fun story a friend told me just now:

Hairdressers union is shit, apparently.

Must be why they didn’t charge him with murder.