
Oh what fun the younger generations are going to have at your expense when you get decrepit.

Neither of those items circled in the photo looked especially “suspicious” to us... what is galling is why the data leaving the machine is not heavily encrypted so users of an ATM doesn’t have to pat it down before using.

Because God know white christian men have never visited violence upon women in Australia. Get real.

Maybe there’s a reason that Aussies don’t want certain cultures immigrating into their country.

Ah yes, let’s judge people based on their last names. Djohan is most commonly from Indonesia, Khumar is Indian, Latif is Arabic, so a fairly wide range of cultures, languages and belief systems.

I can’t wait!

Kanye West doesn’t care about women people.

And with that even I cannot defend Kanye any more.

I will eat the heck out of lab grown prime rib if it is more or less indistinquishable from one taken from an animal. Sign me up.

Here are some bonus shots. The man isn’t exactly shy.

Here are the goods...

That’s annoying in western countries where you at least don’t have this fear of political reprisal hanging over you. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for this woman knowing she was risking imprisonment—not just for herself but for her family—for “damaging the political system.” No wonder she fled the

You see it in rape allegations as well. “He never tried to rape me, so you’re obviously lying!” Why rapists and harassers can’t pick and choose their targets seems beyond many people.

Well, you wouldn’t get that from shrimp in the first place, they’re pretty low on the chain. But perhaps there will be lab grown tuna one day, and while that will presumably be free of the mercury so common to the wild tuna, you could always serve it with a citrusy mercury salsa

Sorry that snark don’t fly here anymore.

This is the only use for the grey system, isn’t it. It’s obviously not to keep the trolls out.

I was ungreyed at Gawker for like a week and then said something in disagreement with the tone of an article and back to the greys I went lol. Honestly, I prefer it down here (mostly bc I get ungreyed by others anyway) bc it’s like the writers can’t wait to use what little power they have to ‘demote’ you. I feel like

Kara Brown took offense at this.

What a strong woman.