
This entire post is pretty much an ode to your annoyance at Bey getting recognition because the mainstream, in your opinion, dismisses the work of other black women artists. You didn’t come out and say “it’s her fault”. But your posts in this thread allude to the fact that any attention given to Bey is attention that

So it’s Beyonce’s fault that you have a skewed perception of how Black women don’t support female artists? Because I see Black women supporting Black female artists ALL THE TIME. Where are you even looking?

Jill Scott. Erykah Badu. Mary J. Blige. Faith Evans. Sade. Anita Baker. Chaka Khan. Patti Labelle. Phyllis Hyman. SWV. En Vogue. Xscape. Minnie Riperton.

Every minority already knows this.

Lol, please, spare me the description of “nice” racists. I’ll be over here being Black and in reality.

To be fair, Obama should have dismantled the domestic spying program 7 years ago.

Okay then 10% less culpable, almost as culpable, mostly as culpable, near as culpable, just shy of as culpable, a smidge less culpable... It’s like this if I have a blue liquid that causes explosive unstoppable diarrhea 63% of the time when imbibed, and a red liquid 53% of the time, and I give you a purple drink and

Right so then the most you can say is you and your friends didn’t vote for Trump full stop. The rural redneck thing did not bear out as an absolute either, 50% of Trump voters had income greater than 70k a year, which is not surprising being that a lot were also college educated. Your problem is that you think because

Having a disease isn’t a crime. Knowingly spreading it is. Stop victim blaming.

Lol you must not be a minority or this would not be at all surprising. Read the laissez faire conclusions about the election in this thread and extrapolate.

What I am saying is what you and OP see as a “sizeable” difference that somehow deems that 53% which represents flesh and blood people as neglible or not noteworthy is bull sheet. Cause For Me the fact that about 80 mil white men wanted Trump as President does not vastly overshadow the 70 mil white women who also did.

You mean, without white men, the 53% of white women voting for Trump would have magically disappeared? The majority of people who share the same race and gender with Hillary Clinton chose not to vote for her, but hey let’s not mention this irrelevant little tidbit!

Maybe that’s why there isn’t a recent biopic on Jefferson.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is White Feminism (TM) in a nutshell. Behold.

But they took all that trouble to whitesplain to you! Their condescension should earn them some points!

From that same article you quoted she said this in 1921, “the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.” That’s pretty fucked up, we don’t need a movie about someone who thinks like this.

Thank you, but I am well aware of Sanger’s history, Black leaders of the day’s attitudes towards her, and the true history of people like Thomas Jefferson.

Oh, they will absolutely ignore the eugenics/xenophobia/racism.