
Most folks don’t know who those people are though. And after looking at their stuff, his is similar. However, from the whole “hobo chic” thing he’s doing with the freaking holes in the clothing, asymmetrical cutting and other “techniques” it’s clear that his particular style is being copied. So on one hand, the

But, honestly, here’s the thing. I’m not a Kanye fan (personally, I do like his music however). We think his clothes were awful. Sure. However, walk into Express for men or into the men’s section in Forever 21 and their entire collection looks exactly like the stuff he’s put out. So I get his frustration. Either the

I honestly don’t know...last year he apparently made sizeable donations to the Clinton campaign. If he is mentally ill, and obviously I don’t know him personally, but my best friend is bipolar and before she was medicated, when she was manic she would say a lot of truly bizarre shit. Imagining plots against her, super

She lost, next stop....Clinton Foundation investigation. You can’t see the forrest for the trees .

The prevailing thought around here is that Hillary Clinton lost the election because of reasons other than Hillary Clinton failing to inspire people to vote for her. This is of course, not the case. Hillary lost because she fucked up. But she is so loved around here, that people are coming up with all sorts of excuses

The only thing that has changed, if you could call it change, is the fact that what’s coming could negatively impact white people (rolling back abortion rights impacts white folks, as will the elimination of the ACA). It’s a similar phenomena behind the newfound public outrage of opioid and prescription abuse, now

if the party did nothing wrong, care to tell me why 5 million obama voters didn’t show up yesterday? care to tell me how 7 (SEVEN!) blue states flipped?

This is the same bullshit numbers that tanked Nader, when it was later proven that it was white Dems swinging to Bush that narrowed the gap between Bush and Gore.

All the smug indignation, name calling and shaming of people who were voting for someone other than Clinton really worked magic didn’t it?

I voted for Clinton. I made calls for Clinton. I poll watched for Clinton. People aren’t “crying” for Bernie. They are making the same point they made all along. Clinton was a bad choice for this particular cycle. But instead of accepting the clear evidence you decide to double down and complain about Sanders and mean CAMPAIGNING FOR HER FOR MONTHS??

Or, you know, Hillary could have actually WENT to Wisconsin and tried to win those votes herself. But I know, why blame the loser when you can blame EVRYONE else.

The conspiracy theories were later proven absolutely right in the DNC hack which showed it was a farcical organization. But yeah blame Bernie and his supporters for your defeat.

all of the Bernie supporters who started the cycle of Hillary hate

Blame everyone except the loser.

Clinton cost Clinton the election.

Why the fuck would a libertarian vote for Clinton? What planet are you on? Hillary lost because she is an incompetent candidate.

The Slot was always pro-Hillary. It was mainline Gawker before the shutdown that was anti-Hillary.

““But Bernie ...” Shut the fuck up. He lost. People didn’t vote for him then, why would you think they’d vote for him now? You were supposed to move on and do what’s best for the country, not whine your way into a fucking nightmare.”

Clinton and her campaign were responsible for their own great campaigning during the primaries, and they won. Clinton and her campaign were also responsible for their own campaigning during the general.