
I don't have any arguments to make in favour of punks—just that this article starts off with one, and continues with nothing even vaguely punkish at all.

Floating in the recesses of the internet is this exchange that didn't make it to the screen—I don't even know if it was filmed.

Given that the first thing they do here is hand a new vampire a daylight ring, and I'm fairly sure Elena will be over her blood angst in half a second (I have no idea why Stefan is such a wuss—look at the grand old time Carolyn is having), they're basically just superpeople who murder/rape intermittently, but aren't

The picture shows anarchic misbehaviour to flip the bird at authority. The article is about getting more stuff for less money.

This episode pretty much started out with the teaser for the last Twilight movie, with a little less badass apex predator, which I thought was pretty funny.

So, in the UK it is a synonym for CP—here, medically, CP is a subset?

Yeah—I missed the edit button on that thinko—but I did refer to it properly in subsequent commenting.

*That* works with the pic for me.

Does it have a looser, loser-like usage too?

I think it used to the same spastic that means suffering from cerebral palsy in the UK, but has lost the medical meaning here. I know it's an insult, but like many epithets, you kinda see it around, without knowing just what attributes it's describing. I guess I don't see any hint of spasm like movements (or anything

What does spastic mean here? I know it's not cystic fibrosis, but I never actually worked out the US meaning.

Joss didn't act for her, and he rarely even directed her. They all got lines from the same writers, but some of them did more with them than others. And I think Hannigan's *performance* as described beat SMG's hands down, most days of the week. Gellar is a pro, but I feel that Hannigan sold her emotions more and had a

I agree with the Fangeek. That was a defining role—her performance was pretty good. Alyson Hannigan's (and Alexis Denisof's and a couple other people's) were better.

Man, I have a stored up rant about how Mark Sheppard is the beginning of the end for genre TV, but it's been a rough week, and I don't really want to be run out of town on a rail by townspeople waving torches and pitchforks.

See, I feel that way about Callis. I *really* feel that way about him. Both of them have pretty broadly written ticcy, schticky characters, and I'm honestly surprised that so many people like him.

I really wish that the big spoiler articles and the reblogs and the tumblr dashes talked about that, in addition to threesome bromance, for crying out loud. Of course there's a bromance. It's 201x. There's always a bromance.

Because, you know, when you say a man and a woman are a couple, you *never* mean they're a COUPLE couple. Otherwise you would clearly have said it twice, and with asscaps. Couple never implies a romantic or sexual relationship, and you're clearly twisting words to say it does. How dare you be so sensationalist!

If I told you Jack and Diane were a couple (with a child!) would you say "But they could still totally be gay—that says nothing about their orientation!"

This is the easy way. I could tell you the hard way, but there's an embargo on animals from the Caribbean, plus I'd have to kill you afterwards anyway.