I second the request for a method to do this in Android—that's what got me into Evernote in the first place, and whether it's my phone or my tablets, it's where I primarily use the application.
I second the request for a method to do this in Android—that's what got me into Evernote in the first place, and whether it's my phone or my tablets, it's where I primarily use the application.
I probably gave up too quickly, but the first template I tried on Kustom Note was way heavy, and when I tried open it on my tablet not connected to the web, it balked. I bounced right back to just typing stuff in, albeit with the conviction that there is a better way, I just might not have energy to find it.
Are the characters coming through in this picture for you?
I think the picture is gorgeous, but I don't know enough about Sailor Moon to know why this is still Moonish. What are the key themes that he carried through into adulthood? Since the style changed with their ages, it's difficult for this newb.
It's yonis all the way down!
But, good lord. I would manifest for those forearms, you bet.
If they wanted people to not pay attention to those scenes, they should either lobotomise you when they rip your tickets in half, or replace the lab scenes with this handy interstitial.
Yeah, at the time I was at McGill, a) I was paying around...$600/semester, and b) it was in the top 15 universities in the world. Lots of Americans there because it was cheaper than going to state schools.
Yeah, I came here to post this.
Presented without comment.
Yes, absolutely. It helps to give them the following things, at least on par with the non-magical or non-negro characters in the narrative:
Everyone I know in TW fandom came over from another one, and they got obsessed somewhere between the first and second season (most caught up on S1 just before S2 started).
I ditched Dell because they had me open a laptop to replace some shit I don't even remember the details of now. At no point did they ask "Hey, you comfortable with opening a laptop and unscrewing things?" or "Do you even have screwdrivers that small?"
Off screen acknowlegement? I've been to parties with Buffy and Angel cast and crew and I don't even post at the Bronze—I was just adjacent and lucky. But this was a yearly thing for Bronzers, as opposed to a one time job for me—both shows gave any old fan the opportunity to repeatedly be face to face (or keyboard to…
Wait, surely you're not implying that Angel "gayer than some gay porn" or Supernatural "they're an old married couple" shies away from the subtext? Angel and Spike sleeping together is canon. Dean and Cas just needs some haunting notes behind their scenes from last week. Neither writers room is shying.
Actually, my joke that you missed aside, he is quoted in interview as saying he was trying to write it by the 35th anniversary.
"he might be persuaded to write the pair if there were enough demand"
The missing chapter turned out well. I'm optimistic.
Seriously, though—did you do the search? If I started turning my anecdotes into anecdata, well—you'd all be very gay, for one. And female. And black.
Me, I'm waiting for Buttercup's Baby. It's already started! What's taking so long?