When you say "universally", was that before or after you compared the google results for each spelling?
When you say "universally", was that before or after you compared the google results for each spelling?
At worst it makes me want to stab my eyes out. I mean, I guess I could change the channel, but now that I've blinded myself, I can't find the remote, and my hands are all slippery to boot.
Oh, they're a deliberately matched set, that's for sure. But fake teeth (now that I know they're dentures) don't bother me as much, I guess, because I can't remotely imagine walking in them (I'd make the ground tongue—lots and lots of tongue), but that suit—someone could wear...ugh....
That's fucking hysterical. I love the things the Internet has ready and waiting for us to post as mocking rebuttals.
Weirdly, the suit makes me more uncomfortable, even though there are fewer faux-human parts in it.
It's good that art is no longer subjective, and that you have been appointed to tell us what is and what is not deserving of the label.
In case it ever comes up again, this is how wrong you are.
I'm fascinated by the premise that it's somehow hard to have both a life and a smartphone. It's remarkably prevalent, considering its obvious falsity.
Hell, pundits are explaining that women who use it are sluts. Maybe there *should* be second thoughts, but it's clearly not a regular facet even in the privilege of the developed world.
E!Online seems to be convinced, but I don't know what their track record is like.
There is nothing "less than lovable" about those fine pieces of plastic. Mmmhmm.
The existence of a $100 doll doesn't make the $20 odd ones go away. That's like saying cars are for collectors because Ferrari GTO.
Celia, I think someone stole your costume. And he's stretching it out!
What is there about them to hate? I can see not preferring them, but hate?
Ahah. Said ships are starships, and Trek to boot. Implied by proximity, but not explicitly stated. I wondered why this made a difference.
I have baked bread, and I have an opinion on this hoodie.
I think Bruce was born old. Two, three decades ago, he still had grizzle on him. I need to examine baby pictures to be sure, but I am pretty sure he growled his way out of the womb and my thesis is unassailable.
No, seriously. I need detail about your methodology. I'm clearly a relative novice in the ways of the kung fu film, so I have no exposure to these gems, but HOW DO I GET THAT FOR MYSELF? What did you trawl to find these? What did you consider and then discard? How long did this take? How drunk did you have to be? How…
But the terms aren't interchangeable. Both are happening, but that's not the same thing—it can rain while the sun is shining—doesn't make precipitation and sunshine the same thing.
Mottled pink, right? I can't get to the Facebook page, but the blog ( http://andreaeusebi.blogspot.hu/2012/08/yoda-2.html ) pretty much just shows how he didn't paint him green.