
Yeah they should just feed him to some tigers and be done with it.

Ha! Sheer brilliance. I don't know how I could forget that! They should make an entire movie like that, just going from room to room watching hospitalised superheroes & villains display their powers. Wonder Woman, using her Lasso to get a second opinion & so on. Or maybe not.

I don't know if Alias counts as SF, but I guess it kind of does with all the Rambaldi stuff... so I vote for the Bristows. You have Sydney, who thought she was a CIA agent but really was a fake CIA agent, going over to the CIA. You have her dad Jack, who is a real CIA agent working for the fake CIA in an attempt to

The Peacocks

Odin, Loki and Thor

For more information, research "intermittent reinforcement" or "Skinner's box".

I disagree, mostly because Man of Steel didn't worry too much about it's own mythology and look how that turned out. We got a mess of a film that tries to turn Supermsn into a brooding antihero who is an allegory for Jesus. Long running franchises need to adhere to some sort of consistency in order to be recognizable

Thanks to our TiVo, I have no idea when the shows we watch actually air, or even what network they are on. Looking at what the DVR has recorded is similar to me coming home from work and finding my daily (so Mrs. Overclock says) package from waiting on the front steps. "Oh! For MEEEE! How thoughtful!"

Picking up a 5 pound cat from grass requires a 15 pound pull. It's like they are sticky on the bottoms of their feet.

Omelettes and eggs. I didn't want to believe in the culture war, but it has finally sunk in. People are already getting hurt and killed and there will be more.

Ellen Kushner (The Privilege of the Sword) says she gets tired of hearing this term. "Characters are not supposed to be relatable. You're not supposed to feel lke they're your pal, or they're you," she says. "The characters are supposed to open you up and explode you. You're supposed to engage with your

I love McGuire's point. I'd never really considered it that way, in part because Mary Sue was a fanfic term, and fanfic is frequently about original characters dropped into an existing story. I hate the accusation of, "that's a variation of a Mary Sue." Yes. Everything is a variation of a Mary Sue.

But she's

Yes. There is a very high prevalence of mental illness amongst the mentally disabled. Very intelligent people often have their lives together more than the rest of us.

Everything else aside, doing an episode like this would be the kiss of death for most shows. It's amazing that Supernatural can still give a wink and pull it off without a hitch.

The truth about the Winchesters is that most of their problems are caused because they lie to one another constantly when they really should just tell them the truth.

An obvious choice: "When Jimmy McNulty ain't policing, he's a picture postcard of a drunken self-destructive fuck-up. And when he IS policing, he's pretty much the same motherfucker but on a good case, that's as close as the man comes to being right." (*sniff) I miss The Wire.

"I'm a mixed race kid from South Africa during apartheid days. For those kids to see where I am now, it amazes me. We're not encouraged to be artists. They tell us to be steady job. I'm an artist and I have a steady job."

Maybe it keeps popping up because Hollywood writers only do use 10% of their brains. jkjk

Bricklink, probably, which is a network of private sellers. Very useful for getting pieces.