
Does he have leeway to kill existing Marvel heroes?

I'm surprised that people who aren't fans of the son of Coul can't see why other people might have reached that point from the main canon itself. I certainly liked him a fair amount before I watched the grey stuff. He was cool—unpowered, sarcastic, oozing calm competence, and unflappable au bout (uh, I have no idea

Yeah, pretty much—I'm not freaked by consensual cannibalism. Meat's not always murder.

Long pig in the hizzouse!

What are you talking about? The defender on the left is clearly Nimoy.

I don't get the things that other people like. In fact, the entire topic of other people continues to flummox.

I better back out now, before I succumb to cheap shottage.

Hey, sometimes I like to go full pedant, man.

I would eat you too, under circumstances and for reasons.

Two dashes, an em dash, —, six, half dozen, thrice two.

Wow, so many of these pictures had a Lana that I couldn't look at in the office.

Why does insertion increase the volume of periods for a while?

Sam dropped out before finishing his undergrad, and he was pre law.

What is Leon like?

I think it's like complaining candy bars don't taste good. What's their point then?

If you read the article, instead of just reacting to some of the words, you can see that the author does not believe what you're chastising them for.

Could you stop?

Your perspective is skewed if you've read anything I've posted here and come away with "worried". "Doubled over with hilarity" is closer, with a side of "what happens if I poke it??"

Why are you capitalising "religion" like that? And "science"?

Because I'm afraid?