Some do, like Avengers and Captain America. Others may be trying to distance themselves from that market—the comic people will come anyway, and enough of the "mundane" public doesn't want to be reminded.
Some do, like Avengers and Captain America. Others may be trying to distance themselves from that market—the comic people will come anyway, and enough of the "mundane" public doesn't want to be reminded.
They used two of his lines—the toad, and the "You're a dick" bit.
I think it's cute that IO9 posts futurism bits from the 50s, etc, about retrofuturism, and chides them fondly for it, but comes straight out and creates fodder for sci fi archeologists of the future.
The non-view all functionality is precisely what TPTB wanted to achieve with the new software. If you use Firefox or Chrome, there are ways around it, but they are not endorsed by anyone here, and should they get shut down, well...Nick is trying to make you work harder to read all the comments, and it's his call, so...
I cannot work out what the site software does to animated GIFs to break them like that—isn't it just a matter of storing it somewhere and serving HTML ? I can see if you're capping the size of the stuff we upload and doing some weird shit to it, but surely the authors can be trusted to not abuse the system?
I dunno—her S3 hair was dodgy too.
Don't make me image search for naked sexing Artie, because if I can't find it, I might have to create it...
I don't think one should wait until one is given the opportunity to cover oneself in wet soil. One should make that opportunity for themselves. Every day—any day—could be that day.
Inside or outside the story it's important that Christian Bale's eyes are blackened, because *that* is ridiculously recognisable. Never mind Carol Ferris spotting Hal Jordan. Everyone would be able to spot Bruce. Handwave what you gotta.
Call me conditioned by Tumblr or Livejournal, but I do like the animated GIFs and they don't detract from a review for me, but rather add to it.
The point? Of Michael Jackson? Prince is a genius—and some pretty sustained genius. His high point was album after album after double album.
He still does a decent set: — I mean, I'd rather hear that than a lot of the other artists I have in my collection.
I don't know how to say this without risking sounding rude, be it: If those are almost feminine features, what do the women of your land look like?
There's nothing like a meeting of minds on the internet to really make one's day, you know? Warm fuzzies all over.
Oh, I was being entirely flippant, not gonna deny that. Your post was not an actual argument worth engaging.
Well, if we shouldn't have a female Doctor because we can't quantify a need for one, obviously we shouldn't have a male Doctor for the same reason, right?
I think She-Ten is a really good female version, but she's not really what I see when I think Davina.
Can you quantify a need for a male Doctor?
It's one of a million what-ifs that get asked about every narrative, the minute they get processed by an audience, and it's a what-if that's really easy to apply to every story—well, almost. 99% of stories have characters of a gender, and there is a what if the characters were another gender. You can't always say…
The best photographs of me look better than I've ever looked in the bathroom mirror thankfully. But even though I've known that the issue is reflection versus "proper" orientation, I still have that letdown in OS X Photo Booth—it shows you mirror images when you're farting around with it, but when I actually take the…