
When are people ever going to do that? I can't imagine the bathroom mirror is going anywhere for a generation or two.

So it's not real science unless it contradicts you? Why not be smug that you were right all along? That's the normal internet attitude.

It was a cult thing long before Eccleston showed up, though. He just wasn't interested, and was adamantly opposed to getting swallowed up in the machine that had swallowed up people before him (ask Tom Baker if he had another "proper" role since, and will probably do so afterwards, if folks aren't careful—ironically,

True. If you hire a good actor, you'll get a good performance (appropriate resources provided). If you hire a fan, you *might* get a richer offscreen experience, but it's not a guarantee, and I think you have to decide how important that is in the big picture.

It's not like the King Arthur stories lacked for magic and fairies and wizards (oh my!). It's hardly a dry manifesto like Mao Tse Tung's Red Book. It's the same kind of reward and punishment and questing and derring dos as your average fairy tale. I'd think they mesh very nicely.

You mean like Eccleston, who as far as I'm concerned was a flawless Nine?

[sorry—replied to wrong post]

These aren't science. Except in the way that they're sufficiently advanced to be indistinguishable from magic.

I think you might be able to discount Jackson on the basis of Meet the Feebles. It's many things, but *good*?

Yeah, the wigs were pretty much a spoiler. But I loved all the rest. Angela Bassett was marvellous—beautiful, luminous, badassed...

What name did I call you?

I'm not gonna lie—I wore a Supernatural shirt to the my screening because of that scene from Bad Day At Black Rock—if I'd had a Community shirt—it would have gotten first pick.

It was right after The Hobbit preview for extra weird. Gandalf...why are you crying for Gandalf? I just saw him! He doesn't die for YEARS.

How have you been assuming he's been keeping clean-shaven and cutting his hair all this time? Any different way from how he'd keep a beard at any given length?

Did you ask the comic book writers that? It's been answered for years.

Seriously, no drawer outside the kitchen, and only in the kitchen if you're pals. Bedside table—my mother would beat me if I went into hers.

If Person of Interest (which has no cape and no powers (unless you count Reese's literal power to shoot from the hip)) is raised and discarded as a superhero show, why isn't Supernatural similarly raised (and discarded if need be)? We do have the famed hand of ipecac, after all, and Sam's psychic visions, at the very

He was *really* good. That was not an easy task, by half. And he handled it so gracefully. His body language was strong, confident, aggressive, but even though the speech—you couldn't tell it was coming from his face, since there were no markers—I found he did a good job looking like he was delivering all of this

During his introduction it kinda made sense that there was an extra air of strangeness about it, but I got the hang of it during the movie. Still—absolutely now difficulty hearing him, not a word. And his emotions were pretty clear, since Tom Hardy was doing a great physical job.

Can you cite when that was confirmed? I've seen descriptions of his clothing, but since they're not actually the mask, someones going to have to tell me the goal was Bane and not just immunity to his own teargas.