
Nopey nope nope.


[places in tattoo wishlist file]

I really need to stop looking at this, right now.

I just posted this in a different discussion about this topic, but the guys on TV are already wearing makeup, and they're kinda rocking the female attention.

So Rivonia has the Trial and this. I do hope they did something else newsworthy in the interim. Pretty much anything, for their sake.

I don't know what the Neytiri specific kind of Otherkin call themself—does anyone know?

"Chloe Mortez" s/b "Chloe Moretz"

I adore the Stargate.

Yeah, I had to look up Hulk, Ghostrider, Doc Oc (though in retrospect, obvious), and Poison Ivy. I "got" Catwoman, but I don't know what's particularly Catwomanish about it. Whip?

Good company:

I am not that good at working all of these out, but the ones I do get are highly adorable. So I'll give the rest the benefit of the doubt.

Wait, are you implying that many critics and fans alike enjoyed the first two Batman movies of the Nolan outing? Surely this cannot be the case—iamMareecaba didn't like them, so clearly no one did. The box office—that was just Chris' mom.

Man, if only I weren't at the office. You'd be nuts-deep in sexy reptiles.

You post on a sci fi site and don't think people talk about all the series of Star Trek? Really?

Between the gawkerkraken and the unpredictability of Opera 12 on my machine, I just lost a lot of tl/dr that was truly well-crafted and eloquent—you'll just have to trust me. :)

I came out of the movie feeling like I'd spent the last hour wrangling with toddlers to stop them from putting everything that caught their attention in their mouths or up their noses. Futilely wrangling.

Well, you should be ashamed of yourself. THAT WOMAN IS GOING TO DIE FOR YOUR TITILLATION. Is this what your mother wanted for you? Hmm?

Man, I was just reading up on The Oatmeal vs. The Assholes, and, whoa. Not precisely webcomic scraping—more that users would upload his comics (and many others) to Funnyjunk, in this case, and FJ gets the advertising money, while pretending they have no responsibility when it comes to the rights infringement. And

Yes, you are the only one.