So what you're saying is that you already had this without the triangle? That's why you're snarking it?
So what you're saying is that you already had this without the triangle? That's why you're snarking it?
Wow. In The Company of Men was writen by men so they could act like complete douches. It's NOT a man-hating bitchfest. It's a woman-hating dickfest. I don't think Waiting to Exhale and 1st Wives Club require help making their female characters looking better-but they're essentially the same thrust of angry divorces…
Well, I seem to be going on a blind date next weekend, with a guy chosen by my best friend of 20 years. I've never done this kind of date before. So I'm going to look him in the eye and determine—-what does your bathroom look like? I'm will to let clothes on the floor slide, as long as the bodily fluids all flush.
In those cases, I send a PM. Now this person who doesn't read can comment freely on the site.
You live in a neighbourhood with high levels of hormones, but maybe all the 20 something guys here are slavering behind closed doors, pulling aside their curtains and spying on their female neighbours with binoculars, It's Santa Monica, dude. There are a bunch of hot chicks around, and guys who appear to be moving on…
Reflective. I considered getting a light-up one from thinkgeek ([] ), but I think I'd just end up ruining it.
I'm afraid I took a vow of chastity when I swore myself to fandom. It's not pretty, but a fangirl's gotta do what a fangirl's gotta do.
Oh, good god. I read "katana" and went back and stared at the picture until it hurt. Yeah, sure, Japanese writing, blah blah, but where's the SWORD????
Her legs are worse, but it all totally works for the genre.
Via the Collective?
And...more reasons I'm violently aromantic. My brain just isn't able to come up with the flip side that makes this tolerable, much less preferable. I'm just really selfish and short-tempered. It's so weird. It's like reading posts where people say they prefer diet soda. How? How and be human?
I know we're in the waning days of the software, but if people are being dicks with zero value, don't unpinken them.
You don't sound like an Australian. You're probably a Kiwi trying to sow misinformation and create a harmful sense of calm...
This is important information to have. Thank you for volunteering, and I will take it into consideration.
This is my much humbler Iron Man bespoke effort (not my handiwork, but that of an enabling friend) because I could *not* find a lady's-cut shirt with just the reactor in time for Avengers, and I refused to wear the same Captain America shirt I'd worn to *his* movie. She said "Want lace?" And I said "When do I not want…
What are the other movies in this genre?
Care to commit yourself to picking which one?
That contradicts what they teach In Jamaican schools. The history we learn there looks more like this: [] with Scottish people representing up to 1/3 of Jamaican white people.
Well consider the example wherein I'm a smoking hot girl, yet there seems to be a straight male in his 20s in my building who has barely noticed me. Totally plausible.
Angel is LA proper, Sunnydale is ...California.