Thank god science is pink! Otherwise I'd never do it!
Thank god science is pink! Otherwise I'd never do it!
But what does it have to do, specifically, with How To Train Your Dragon? I don't see significant plot similarities. There are young adults, and animals, but that covers Snow White too.
I haven't seen Brave, but I've had the whole story told to me, and I would be surprised if any of the "this is just [other title with sassy kid] repackaged" commenters had been exposed to as much, because the claims don't make any sense.
Thank god they switch races, or it would get really boring...this way we girls can pretend we have three different stories, instead of just the two.
I'm confused. Is this a remake of Mulan, or the dragon movie?
>slavery offers a ready supply of disposable people who would never be missed
Dude, you can get that pinky finger from Eden Fantasy for $69.95.
Does everyone always agree with you, or is it just usually?
These bears are not what they might seem.
1. I responded to not just the post I replied to, but the actual *text* I quoted. Context is important.
The thing you're thinking with the bears is not the thing that happens with the bears.
Okay, so someone told me the plot of this, and I'm thinking I never saw Mulan then, because they're not the same story at all...
Special purpose finger tips, baby. I'll be over here, with the cyborg sex machine.
I feel so warm and fuzzy that the tags on this are totally straight-faced.
I'm going to go get drunk and then pregnant RIGHT NOW. And everyone can go fuck themselves.
I have an aunt that works in public health who complained that the YOU KEELED YOUR BABBY!!!!1! media scares meant that women who hadn't done anything unreasonable were more likely to lie to their doctors, and possibly increase the chances they do something harmful than they would if the press just advocated…
>Wouldn't you want to limit yourself from being exposed to any chemical substance that, even remotely, may have a chance of harming your child permanently?
So this is exactly where you are least likely to find company.
You can get pitchforks at the first desk, but we do ask you to supply your own torches—people just weren't taking proper care of the ones we provided. We don't have that sort of funding here at IO9 Outrage Outreach.