What made it seem similar to Braveheart?
What made it seem similar to Braveheart?
Hey, you forgot to ask that about the gladiator post, and the statue of liberty one and the costuming one. There's an entire tag out there that's lacking this very astute question: [io9.com]. Go! Get asking! How can we go on if we don't know why IO9 has been posting history posts for months and months?
You don't understand, you heartless bastard! They had to click on this article, and then read every word and look at every picture, and they CAN'T GET THE TIME BACK. Their only hope of survival is get an answer to this question. This will set their day back on its path and right all of the morning's wrongs.
The numbers don't lie....
I level dry ingredients (or weigh) to get consistent measurement, and then sift or run in through the mixer to fluff it back up again.
Have a go both ways and see: [noshings.blogspot.com]. Melted fat pastry can be very tasty and delicate in texture.
Why is there room in your bra for anything other than your breasts?
It only takes a couple sticks of butter to calibrate your own though, and then you're just a post it note away from perfectly softened and warmed butter every time. Most of the Cook's Illustrated recipes aren't just asking for softened butter, they're asking for all the ingredients to be room temperature unless…
Oh, god, no one tell Dana White. Or we'll be up to *our* eyeballs in The Ultimate Gladiator. And those confessionals are brutal.
How would we know if it didn't? No one's writing stories titled "Four Tigers Lived Long Urban Lives With No Incident." Maybe because it doesn't happen, but also it's boring as all fuck.
I don't like Isaac and the chick with the massive rack. But I think that's mainly because I'm so protective of Derek/Stiles. I know myself well enough to reason that out.
Nope, thick pancakes. It DELICIOUS.
I'm not sure why you're asking me—I think my position is pretty clear.
There's a large number of people signing up for the chance to tell as many people as possible they want to see you eat cum out of their mother's ass. Way past terms way way past.
"Preference for beer" doesn't have to mean "preference over other alcohol". It can mean over other drinks or just over other things to do with the next ten minutes. Isn't that what liking to drink beer involves?
I don't see where the article claims causation. I only see correlation. That's what predictor means, isn't it?
Self control has a tinge of value to it, doesn't it? Every time I put out I exert the same amount of self control, whether it's before the first date or five years after it. How can you tell?
>it's hard to imagine anyone signing a ToS agreement that says that yeah, the site owner can slice and dice your input and offer it to researchers without your consent
You clearly don't have a nice penis.