There is no way there was enough whale to go round.
There is no way there was enough whale to go round.
I'd rather not be in the water with the 50 of the sharks who only got hors d'oeuvre sized bites.
And perhaps not coincidentally, that seems to be a major point of the article.
I used to post with someone who did animal protection. Her stories were interesting, but she was not *that* wacky. I think that lady wants horses to not be horses. It would probably be safer and less abusive.
The A Team movie was a straight up comedy action flick, wasn't it? I am confused.
I think that's the same chick from the cheating article. Don't touch her. She has cooties.
What happens between me and Mila is no one else's business, okay? It's very special. And private.
There's an US-centric one, that I know for sure. I've been from there most all my life.
They'd be stop motion and look like Johnny Depp, I assume.
There you go. Apparently she went.
There are a bunch of non-Americans on the list, and it's not necessarily America they travelled to. I dunno where walkingman is from, but it's nice and worldly. Maybe he should come to Jamaica and talk to people who have never gone anywhere and for good or ill it shows.
No, not. As someone who's not American and knows people who never lived anywhere else than where they were born, I can say I've seen a number of commonalities.
Hey, isn't she the chick that will go to the ball with you if you ask right? And first?
You have no idea how happy I am that it's a global usage of "abroad". I will come back and read it once I've made a cup of tea, but as always, I need to check for low hanging bitch fruit and IT'S NOT THERE.
Shit, it's Raimi? That just decreased chances of it being filed on my sexy sexy shelf.
I'm not using the bathroom at your house.
I guess they had to make sure it fit? Hell of a last-minute fix.
I don't know if this gym can accurately be called judgement-free. Unless judging thinner people doesn't count. And there's no plan to exclude heavy judgy people, so it's not like the problem disappears.
How does the gym not cater to my needs? Is the equipment unusable for average weight people?