
Because fanart? Or, more accurately, it's not a meme.

Only if it's already drawn or she's more than 20 feet away.

I guess she's using "Checkmate!" because "Badoom-cha!" is played out?

I don't know why more people don't err on the side of "Well, there are plenty other words in the language—why do I need to use *this* one?" It's not a huge privation to just, in case, not use that word. Or those words. It has an imperceptible impact on your ability to express yourself, and you life will be none the

I have to admit, if his comment is indicating that Shakespeare did an assload of remaking himself, it's pretty damned valid. If it is that no one would know Shakespeare if O hadn't been filled, well, I'm a bit dubious on that front.


It has just struck me that the scene in the poster never happened, even remotely, in the movie...

Ah, that's like taking humiliation humour and jacking it up to a new level of inappropriate. The fuck?

Now playing

Anytime anyone says "What if...telenovela?", this vid is the answer.

Okay, the feather thing is just horrible. I've only been within shouting distance of one tornado (hit downtown Detroit in the 90s or something), and even that fucked a lot of shit up.

Okay, I think I'm beginning to see scenarios where that happens. I just couldn't work out how the bark started coming off—but if you rip off a branch, it might take some with it, etc, etc.

Lo, another denizen of the internet wilds lured out of protective cover by my cunning plan. Come closer, little snarker, come have nothing to fear from me.

"Cladded" is totes not a word, bro.


We've seen the Patriot suit, and it didn't look like that.

You missed Stargate? Man, get off my lawn and go rent the DVDs.

>enough oomph to strip a tree of its bark

To be sure—Bangladesh Was Last Seen Going Thataway.

But they're official images, bought and paid for by the franchise. I wouldn't call most fanart concept art at all, me concept art is official, but not the final visuals. It's the design communication at the start of a project.

I can see that a 15 year old might have to think that through, but not someone of Jason's age, because it's only been "gay=lame" (for all varieties of offensive that encompasses) for ten or so years. He came to adulthood before that equivalence was popular. He's in his *50s*.