Exactly! How do you prove you never said something?
Exactly! How do you prove you never said something?
If I were going to make a point about his versatility, I'd have mentioned his role as a moonshiner in Lawless, as Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, as Bill Sikes in Oliver Twist, up against him in Warrior, TDKR, and Bronson.
It does feel a bit disingenuous to me. He has to ask his gay friends about it? Because straight people can't tell? And it was *so* subtle that it took his gay friends a long time to work out why it was offensive?
Tagwise, what's the difference between canon art, like this, or some of the fan art posts you guys have made previously? I see that the main tag for them is the same: "concept art". Do you differentiate in any way so that I could look at all of one, but not the other?
I'm assuming you were spoilt for it somewhere other than here...
The story you were gonna get? A young Alan Scott with no wife or children.
Yeah, when you deal with minority representation, until such time as we've reached parity, there are just some stories that *don't* need to be told with the one gay/black/disabled character you have. It's too soon.
It makes cleanup for the Big Stompy Feet more difficult. If it's not a good point and *their* comment doesn't add to the discussion? Don't Feed The Troll. Message them instead.
The fact that the Corps is still Don't Ask, Don't Tell gets Earth kicked out of the protected worlds.
Symbolic logic, oh yeah!
I'm making that pointing from my eyes to yours hand gesture right now. I know precisely what you mean. All of a sudden he accused me of telling our mutual friends that I'd slept with him, and nothing I could say would make him think I was not deeply deeply stupid, because why would a healthy person do that? Did we not…
You're drawing a causal line between Starfire's costume and her sexual proclivity? Did you miss the slut walk as well as pretty much all female costumes ever? I'm a bit boggled at that.
But you can't con an honest man!
The FBI lists a number of different scam methodologies: [www.fbi.gov]
Maybe they trusted that a solid fanbase wouldn't suddenly spit on this revamp of the character (who was going to be sufficiently young that neither Jade nor Obsidian were sperms seeking egg), and that the dynamics involved played best off of a character in an established role. A character that already means something…
I swear—sometimes I ask myself "why did they write this??"
Well, that's one way to live the "men and women can't just be friends" thesis of When Harry Met Sally. Stop talking to any guy who doesn't try to get into your panties.
No! Every woman totally ends up having sex with every guy she's attracted to! Why is this silly woman whining? We have the upper hand, and it always plays out the way we want. It's not like straight men have a "no" button.
I once watched a guy say to another: "If you want to go on a date with serenada, tell her it's just a friendly dinner. She always says yes."